u and Tom are seeing each other for the first time in over thirty years

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you had no contact with him from that point on

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you had no contact with him from that point on. you wrote letters but the answer never came. the first three years were very hard. you didn't want to see people who weren't him. everyone seemed so gray and uninteresting compared to him.

"you have to do something with yourself y/n, he won't come back" your friend said one day, seeing you suffering. She was right. years have passed. crying won't bring him back. I decided to go to Edinburgh for some time. There I met a Muggle named Steve, two years older than me.

he was funny, intelligent and handsome. I felt nothing more than friendship for him. but that was the case with everyone I met after Tom. Steve somehow filled the void in my heart. I felt like a patched ship. I was leaking but not drowning.

that was all that mattered to me. I had someone who treated me with respect and didn't leave much time for overthinking. I liked it. as soon as he was further away, the intrusive thoughts wouldn't leave my head. his image, visible as if through the fog, still hung over me like a curse. Me and Steve traveled a lot.

he proposed to me in Paris. I said yes. We went back to the hotel room, he went to the store to buy something for dinner to celebrate, and I curled up in bed crying. I felt like he was next to me. as if his hand was resting on my shoulder and his melodious voice was saying:

I'm proud of you, you found love just like I wanted. I felt like screaming. take off the ring and throw it away. fall to your knees and tell him: "no! I don't love him, and I never have, my only love stands before me now! however, he wasn't actually there, and my fiancé had just returned from the store, knocking on the door.

two years later we got married. I left my maiden name. that was the last thing that could stay the same with me since he left me. two years after the wedding, our son Thomas was born. Steve didn't know the story behind the name when I suggested it. on his eleventh birthday, Thomas received a letter.

something i was afraid of the most. We looked like two peas in a pod, he looked practically nothing like his father. Even though Steve knew I was a witch, it wasn't a topic often discussed in our house. That day everything changed, he changed.

The fact that our son went to a magical school made him extremely nervous. You could say that the house was no longer what it used to be. there was cold, constant irritation and stress. eventually he started disappearing from home.

One day, when I was home alone, I received a letter. "be brave, my love, you know what you're capable of, don't let anyone break you, I love you" I cried. he was there. he was somewhere. lived. I walked around with a piece of paper all day reading it over and over again.

I put it aside for a moment to take a shower. When I left, Steve was standing with a letter in his hand. he gave me a painful blow on the cheek. I grabbed this place. he didn't even say anything, left again and never came back. was murdered in mysterious circumstances.

after 15 years
I was sitting on the porch of my house when the gate opened. I couldn't say anything when I realized who he was. I got up and ran, throwing myself into his arms. I started crying like a little baby. "sssss" he stroked my head.

I don't remember the last time I felt so safe and loved in someone's arms. "Tom," I said, tears continuing to fall from my eyes. "I'm here baby" he started walking towards. We went inside. He sat down on the couch, sitting me on his lap and hugging me.

I couldn't calm down "why the hell did you do it, why did you leave me Tom" I started crying even more if that was even possible. The man didn't loosen his grip. He held me tightly to his heart. I raised my head, looking at his face. he has barely aged at all.

the fact that he looked the same as the last time we met killed me even more considering how much time had passed. "there was a war going on, honey, I know you're sensitive, I won't tell you what role I performed there, but it's not a good place to cultivate love.

let's not reopen the wounds" "I am here with you now and I will be there forever, I promise we will spend so much time together that you will regret that I came back." Don't even say that, Tom. you wiped away a tear.

he lifted your chin and kissed me. this kiss was full. love, passion and a thousand words that you haven't said all these years. your thoughts moved to November 12 of that shameful year.

you then told him about the plans you had come up with for you. "We'll live somewhere in a small house, preferably in the countryside" your legs were in his lap, he stroked them tenderly. "we will have two cats and two children, we will get married and we will be a wonderful family" he smiled even painfully, this image stayed with you constantly. "certainly y/n"

"if you ever leave me again I swear I won't be able to bear it" "I won't leave you y/n unless death does it for me, even if I find a way, we have the whole eternity to ourselves, we will do everything you wanted" you sighed

"I had a husband Tom , I never loved him, I also have a son, he is named after you" "I know, honey, I didn't like the way that muggle treated you" "So it was you?" he nodded. "ohhh good god" you cupped his cheeks in your hands "I love you so much"

"I love you y/n, you are the only woman I have ever loved." he took your photo out of his pocket. "you are even more beautiful than I remembered"

from Thomas
they got married and were absolutely inseparable. my mother even accepted the group of which he was the leader. Death Eaters. Lord Voldemort and his Dark Lady. he was just like that for her. with his "subjects" he was completely different. she was the apple of his eye. he was like a father to me. they both died in the Battle of Hogwarts. They were each other's horcruxes. Someone aimed at his mother and he covered her with his body. The spell got to both of them. They died in each other's arms. An inscription was carved on their common grave. "Our souls will meet again in this or other world anyway"

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