T.R arranged marriage (4)

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Time flew extremely fast. Tomorrow was the beginning of Mattheo's first day at school.

 it was already evening, Tom was already lying in bed, as usual, reading something, while you were looking around the bedroom, wondering if you had forgotten anything.

 Noticing that you were worried about something, he closed the book, stood up and after a while he was next to you. he placed his head in the crook of your neck, taking in the strong scent of your perfume. 

his hands rested on your shoulders, massaging them gently. "are you very tense, is something bothering you, honey?" you released a soft breath, relaxing slightly under his touch. "it's nothing," you practically whispered.

 the man turned you to face him "talk to me" he said in a firm voice. you were silent for a moment but his piercing gaze finally broke you "I'm stressed about tomorrow"

 you said in one breath. he grabbed your waist leading you to the bed. he sat on it first and placed you on his lap, you flinched at the gesture, trying to get up. he grunted and pulled you so that you landed exactly where you had just been.

"Tom, I'm too heavy, I look at least like a swollen frog," he clenched his jaw, grabbing you so that you were forced to sit on him with your entire body weight, he didn't even flinch at the movement.

 "don't you dare ever talk about yourself like that again, you're beautiful, my, my wife" he kissed you hungrily and you grabbed his neck, pulling him closer. you could barely catch your breath. he stood up, picking you up, your lips still connected. 

He waved his wand and your petticoat disappeared. you tried to cover yourself but he clasped your hands together. stress clouded your mind. since you were pregnant, you only did it late at night when all the lights were off so as not to wake up Mattheo. 

He hasn't seen you in such a "state" in all your glory. he led you to the mirror, where he broke away from you and placed himself behind you.you tried to look away. he kissed your neck. then the shoulder and so on lower and lower. 

at one point he was kneeling and you forgot about the shame you felt at the beginning. you were staring at the reflection in the mirror, he kissed your stomach and whispered into your skin "beautiful, so very beautiful, mine" 

your knees felt weak. you gently pulled away from his lips, sitting on the floor right next to him. he quickly took you into his arms. "y/n...will you tell me what you're worried about?" "Mattheo starts school tomorrow, I'm worried about him, and besides, people will ask. 

the last time I was around this many people, the pregnancy was not visible" you looked up and your eyes met. he tangled his fingers in your hair, pulling your head to his chest. "Mattheo will definitely be fine, honey, there's a reason he has our last name," 

you smiled slightly"and don't worry about people's reactions, I will be there with you and I won't let go of your hand even for a second. if someone looks at you for too long or makes you feel worse, I can promise you that they won't dare to do it again" 

you calmed down at his words "thank you" you whispered "it's my duty" he kissed your hand. "let's go to sleep, tomorrow is a big day for Mattheo, you can't let him down" you nodded, got up from the floor and laid down on the huge bed. 

he kissed your forehead "good night" "good night" he hugged you gently so as not to press too hard on your stomach and you fell asleep cuddled together.

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