Sent Off

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"Drew Hayden!" A green-haired women yells, anger fills her voice. Two men stand at her side in front of the giant glass window, one is the butler carrying a suitcase and the other her husband.

"Yes, mother?" A 16 year-old guy with slightly darker green hair blandly replied, not bothering to even look up from his phone.

"Look at me, Drew!" She yelled again, her hands subconsciously curling up into fists. The teen tucks his phone away in his pants pocket, looking directly into his mother's eyes in boredom.

"Yes?" He asks, his mouth etched into a scowl. She cringes a bit, almost bursting into tears from his attitude and un-life like ways.

"Drew, your mother and I have noticed you've been taking advantage of us. You also can't act as of we're going to give you money whenever you feel like it." Her husband begins.

"So?" He answers back plainly, hands in his pockets.

"So? Is that all you have to say? You've nearly sucked us dry taking out large amounts of cash!" The father yells, voice rising.

"And? What am I supposed to about all this?" He retorts, hardly any emotion in his own tone, volume the same.

"You can't... But we have come up with a small... Solution," The mother finishes off before her husband could explode.

"And what does that have to do with me? You can just sell a lot of the stuff we don't need or start a new company. You're good at that." Taking out his phone, he rapidly types, ignoring his parents.

"We can't, we can barely afford the mansion, the staff, our belongings and only sixteen companies. So..." The father mutters, heaving in a deep breath, the mother places a hand on his shoulder, looking into his emerald eyes with her golden ones.

"... So we're sending you away for a while," She finishes off, using a hand gesture to signal the butler. He walks over to Drew, snatching the silver phone away from him.

"Huh? Wh-what are you doing Walter?" Drew panicks, surprised by the sudden action. The butler-Walter-hands over the gadget to Mr. Hayden before resuming his original position.

"You're going to stay with someone we... Managed to hire, son. Don't worry, you'll only be staying a couple months."

"A couple months? But mom!" He protests, emotions swirling around throughout himself.

"It's for your own good. We wouldn't be doing this if it weren't completely necessary," She tries to explain, handing him the suitcase Walter carried, kissing his forehead quickly and giving him a hug.

"Walter, if you'd please." Walter opens one of the grand doors, guiding Drew outside where a coach awaits him. Walter opens the door and ushers Drew in, closing it quickly and sending the driver off.

"Goodbye son." She cries, hugging her husband, tears splattering onto their marble flooring.

"It's for the best, if we hadn't done so he would have ended up like us," He reassures her, holding onto her tightly. "Walter, I ask you to leave, don't turn back and try to help."

"But-" Walter begins, about to protest and point out the many reasons to stay.

"Please, we don't need anyone else to get hurt. Everyone else had left when told so but you stayed, and for that I'm grateful. But now, I must plead you to leave. Please, as a final wosh for you to grant, please escape."

"I..." After scanning his master's eyes, he sighs, hanging his head down in defeat, "I'll do as you wish sir."

Footsteps echoe throughout the mansion, clumps of clouds block the sun, making everything look more daunting.

"Leave! Now!" He orders. Walyer hesitates at first but begins to run out of the room, just in time to witness the events unfold,

A flock of men begin to appear in the room, all dressed in black suits, covering their faces with masks. They all make way for a man, his eyes red and strained, a pitch black weapon in his right hand, a demented smile plastered onto his delinquent face. "Your time is now," He states in a deadly voice, lifting the weapon towards the wealthy couple, enjoying their pained expressions.

She buries her head in his jacket while he holding her close, shielding her in a tight embrace. "Arceus, please watch over our child, and make sure he leads a life worth living," She whispers, a single tear trickles down her chin and onto her hands cupped over her chest, clutching a golden locket.

Off into the distance, a trigger is pulled, releasing a bullet, going unheard by Drew Hayden as he's sent off to the place his parents thought was best for him to stay at.
A/N: How was it?

Just thought I'd make this. It's short but contains enough information to get this started.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Tell me what ya think!:)

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