Oh Boy...

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~Drew's POV~

"Where am I?" I ask myself, looking down at the paper in my hand. I look up and glance around, taking in my surroundings. Nothing but hills and more grass as far as I can see.

I feel a tap on my shoulder from behind, I hesitantly turn around slowly. A girl with chocolate brown hair smiles at me, "Are you Drew?"

"Um... Yeah? How do you know my name?" I ask, suspicious.

"So you're the guy sent by Mr. and Mrs. Hayden. Nice to meet you!" She shakes my hand rapidly before taking a big leap back.

I take a good look at her, seeing she's wearing a white blouse with a red undershirt, red skirt, and red high tops with a small amount of white. She opens her eyes to reveal her sapphire orbs, making her look impossibly beautiful.

"Now then, should we get going?" She asks, holding a red bag behind herself with both hands.

"Where?" I ask, uncertain.

"Well to my place, you do realize you'll be staying with me... Right?" She asks, her smile visibly falters.

"I wasn't told of this." I reply.

"Oh... Well even so, we should get going before it gets too dark. I need to do my chores as soon as I get home!" She exclaims, grabbing the hand I'm holding the paper with.

"C'mon, let's go!" And with that, she pulls me along, running on the dirt path, grinning away.

~*Time Skip*~

"Well, here we are!" The happy brunette exclaims, spreading her arms open in front of herself. I look in front of her, seeing a small house with its yellow paint peeling off, bent wire fence, and small barely alive plants. The only thing around is a barn and some fields with crops.

"You're kididng right?" I scowl, looking at my surroundings to find no trace of a much more suitable house.

"I'll have you know that I'm not. Isn't my home just wonderful?" She asks, her eyes practically shining.

"It's a dingy old house." I mutter under my breath. She unfortunately heard me.

"It's not dingy!" She pouts, puffing up her cheeks.

"Whatever you say..." I reply, rolling my eyes. She giggles and takes my hand again, pulling me into her 'home'. I notice the inside is neat and tidy, she takes off her shoes and runs up the short step. I do the same, walking up and following her calmly.

"Yay! Finally home! I'm gonna make dinner, make yourself at home!" She announces, dumping her bag before spreading her arms out like wings, running into a different room. The living room I'm in has a small yellow couch with a lamp next to it, a blue desk to the side with a gray portable radio, and a coffee table.

"How can I make myself at home if there's no T.V. or my phone?" I mutter, seating myself down on the couch and setting down my suitcase on the miniature table in front of me. "Might as well distract myself..."

I stand up and walk towards a window, watching a bunch of wild pokémon running around and playing in a small pond outside. I spot a Budrew peeking at them from behind a small field of tall grass, looking anxious.

"Drew! Get your butt over here!" She yells, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I guess I'll eat all the chicken and rice myself!" My stomach growls, eyes wide I run into the direction of the smell.

"This ain't bad... By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something..." She nods her head, signaling to continue, scarfing down her rice.

"What's your name? You never told me..." She drops her spoon, the sound of metal against wood echoes throught the small building.

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