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~May's POV~

"Hurry up, I can't be late again!" I yell, pulling Drew by the arm and continue to speed off towards the school, biting into my piece of toast.

"You aren't that organized, are you?" My face begins to heat up, I bite down harder into my toast, digging my nails into his arm, stomping.

"You could've let go of my arm, I can just follow you." He sighs, placing his hand on mine, shoving it off. I jerk back, holding my arm close to me. Weird. I could've sworn I felt a spark...

"Hurry up, you're gonna make me late for my first day of school," I sarcastically yells over his shoulder, knowing well we have half an hour left.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I yell back, brushing my previous thought aside, running to catch up to him. He strolls along the dirt path, hands in pockets, eyes closed, ignoring me. I look up at him curiously, He seems so calm... I wonder how long he'll be staying with me...

A smile sneaks up onto my mouth, a warm, tingly feeling glows inside me. His right eye opens, a mischievous smirk dancing on his face.

"Are you gonna keep staring?" He questions, emerald eyes looking down at me intently.

"I-I wasn't staring!" I defend, my cheeks grow hot, I look away to hide them. I cross my arms over my chest, scanning the houses and shops, trying to distract myself from his gaze.

"I don't blame you, girls do find me irresistible," He flicks his hair out of his eyes, smirk still there.

"Well I'm not one of those girls you arrogant jerk," I state, the school coming in view.

"Sure, and you don't like food," He answers back. I stop in my tracks, turning to face him, already at the front of the school.

"You're right, I don't like food..." I say slowly, realization hitting me.

~Drew's POV~

Students begin to gather around us, looking at May with wide eyes, whispering stuff like 'Did she just say she doesn't like food?', 'Is the pain finally getting to her?'.

"... I love food!" May cheers, clapping her hands together, soon grabbing my hand and walking through the school gates.

"May?.." I begin, feeling the need to ask.

"Yeah?.." She replies back softly.

"What did they mean by pain?" I ask, staring at the back of her head, an uncomfortable tension in the air. She stops and turns to face me again, a smile clearly forced with her eyes looking up at me desperately saying 'Please don't'.

I give her an understanding nod and glance over to the groups of girls beginning to stop and stare. A fiery orange-haired girl makes her way over to May, yelling out, "MAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!"

"Misty!" She yells back, tackled into a hug. They begin to talk excitedly, jumping up and down, squealing about some guys and chances.

"Oh and I also have a charge," Misty tells her, looking a bit exhausted. A boy with dark messy hair and a hat holding a long sandwich runs towards us, waving his food around.

"Misty!" He yells, coming closer. At the sound of his voice, her eyes twitches, her hands clenched into fists. He stops, breathing heavily before looking up to notice us. "Hey, are these your friends?"

"May, this is Alf. Alf this is May. May, who's the tall tree standing next to you?" Misty asks glumly, rubving her eyes to reveal the bags under.

"Um, Mist? It's Ash, not Alf," Alf-Ash corrects, poking Misty with his finger. "And you also forgot to introduce Pikachu," He reminds her, a Pikachu pops out from under his hat, sniffing at his pointing finger.

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