The News

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"Drew, it's your turn to get the mail!" May's voice yells from the kitchen, the air smelling burnt.

I sigh and get up, changing into my casual clothes: black sleeve shirt, purple jacket, and turquoise sweatpants. I yawn, slightly surprised May actually kept her promise about waking up earlier this time.

I walk out my door and past the kitchen, where May struggles to cook some pancakes, creating a mess of flour all over herself. I smile lightly to myself, shaking my head slightly as sunlight welcomes me once I slide open the door, the wild pokémon run over to me, exclaiming their names as I walk on the path.

"I just came to get the mail, I'll come back in a bit to play with you guys, don't worry," I explain, petting the happy Poochyena's head.

·But I wanna play nooooooow· It whines, stomping its paws on the ground, jumping up and trying to bite my jacket. I repeatedly move my arm, watching the pup jump up, its tail curling every time it jumped with it paws flailing. It manages to barely bite onto my jacket, its teeth clenched against the fabric. ·Attaaaaaack!· It yells through the fabric, raising its paw at me.

The wild pokémon and rest of the Poochyena send me an innocent look before charging at me, most of them newborns. "Hey, stop! You're gonna make me fa-Aaaaall!" I fall back from the weight, most of the baby pokémon licking my face while the others pounce on me like I'm some sort of bouncy pillow.

·Yay! He's playing with us!· A wild Espeon cries happily, licking my face along with the others once I sit up straight.

"Quit it! I'm not a lollipop!" I whine, trying to push them away with my right hand while my left one was on the mailbox's side.

·Yes you are!· One of the Shaymin shout, jumping onto my head, curling up in my hair.

·You smell like rainbows and meadows· An Umbreon states, sniffing me, sitting on its hind legs.

"No, that's May," I emphasize her name, sitting up

·How would you know?· A Pikachu asks, walking over to me.

"I wouldn't, that's related to her personality," I state, looking away so they won't see the blush forming.

·Ooooo~ He looooooves her~· A Vaperon teases.

"Wha-No I don't!"

·It's okay man, you don't have to lie...· A Raichu stands up and waddles over to me, jumping onto my lap and stares me right in the eye, lifting its small arm up. He places it on my nose, finishing his sentence ·... We understand·

I blink several times, inhaling before stating, "Well, that was... Interesting." I stand up and dust off my clothes, opening the mail box and take out the mail with them watching me.

The same Poochyena from before jumps onto my shoulder, looking over my shoudler. I roll my eyes and flip through the mail, muttering, "Bills... May's... School... Work... May's..." I freeze, seeing the rest of the envelopes are sent to me from my father's companies. They shouldn't know where I am so why..?

I rip through the first one, slowly turning around while I skim through the message. My eyes widen, heart racing, brain spinning, hands shaking, nearly dropping the mail. No... It can't be...

~May's POV~

"Aha! Perfect!" I yell, punching the air in victory, doing a little celebratory dance. I finally managed to make a well cooked, decent pancake after fifteen tries, and eight batters of pancake mix. I quickly whip up sone more, getting the hand of multi-tasking.

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