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"Hey April, your barn pokémon are hungry! Go do your work!"

"Hey rich boy, news flash: you have to help out. If not you'll be sleeping in the barn." I inform him from the privacy and comfort of my room.

"You can't make me by threatening me," He yells back. I roll my eyes and search for my gloves, You've gotta be kidding me. I left them somewhere else.

"Look, all you have to do is bring water and feed the pokémon," I say, walking through the hall and turning the corner to find him sitting lazily in a chair with his eyes closed. I scan the kitchen and table. No gloves.

I turn and walk over to the living room, rampaging through my desk and the paper scattered across the coffee table. "Hey, help me look for my gloves."

"Why should I?" His voice asks. I jump onto the couch and continue ripping apart my couch, throwing the pillows backwards.

"Look, just help-"

"Found them." I sit up straight, running over to him with my gloves in his hands. I take them and pull him by his shirt's collar, leading him outside and into the barn, throwing him onto a pile of hay.

"Look Hayden-"

"On last names already June?" He smirks, leaning on his elbow. "You really mean business don't ya?"

"You might wanna listen," I suggest, grabbing him by the collar again so we're face to face. I look directly into his eyes, searching his emerald eyes, not quite sure what exactly looking for.

"You're gonna help me or you sleep in the barn. With all the pokémon."

"You wouldn't do that, my parents would never allow that."

"Actually, they specifically told me to have you disciplined by any means necessary." I smile, tilting my head innocently to the side. "Or did you really think I'd bluff?"

*~Later that Day~*

"Here you go..." I push his blanket-wrapped pillow into his arms and shove him out. "Don't scare the pokémon, just leave them be. You will stay here for as long as it takes for you to pitch in around here, you got that?"

"You can't be serious." He says, disbelief in his voice. I grab his collar and shove him onto the hay, earning a glare which I return with a smile. "And what is it with you grabbing me by the shirt and shoving me all the time?"

"I dont like your shirt. Give it." I command, holding out my hand, hiding a pack of matches among my nightgown.

"What?" He sputters, not handing it over.

"Here, you give me your shirt and wear a different one." I hold out a different clean shirt for him. He hesitantly takes it, giving me his previously worn shirt.

"Thank you and..." I turn around run to the hand-made camfire pit thing. I quickly light up a match and throw it in the pit, tossing Drew's shirt in the burning fire.

"Hey! Why'd you throw my shirt in there?"

"You'll be bringing in food and water in for the pokémon starting tomorrow morning... Goodnight."

"Miss Maple, can you tell me what four times twelve divided by the square root of pi is or must your boyfriend keep stalling?" The teacher asks, her voice trying to sound all high and migty.

"27.08 rounded, 27.08110001 as a full number." I state, rolling my eyes as she stares at me. Speechless, she blinks at me.

"Well... Could you please at least look like you're paying attention." I give her a nod.

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