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-3rd Person POV-

Just a little ways outside a small village, a neatly yellow painted small house lays at the end of it, near it is a barn for pokémon and field of crops are tended with care. The weather is calm, its gentle winds soothing, soft laughter rides on it. In the house, a wife and husband run around with their daughter, laughing with huge smiles plastered on themselves.

"Rose, guess what?" A green haired man asks his daughter-Rose, lowering his eyes slightly to look at his daughter a bit more directly.

"What Papa?" She asks, hands folded in front of herself, keeping her dress steady, looking up at her father with her big curious eyes. He sits down on the couch, looking at her straight in the eye.

"I got a present for you." Her eyes widen, sparkling in excitement as she sucks in air.

"That's right sweetie, he got you a present and so did I." The little girl looks from her father to her mother, her excitement could be felt throughout the house.

"R-really?" She asks, slightly jumping up and down. They nod, both grabbing differently wrapped large boxes, smiling at each other. They hand it over to her, in which she sets on the ground gently, plopping down in front of them, carefully lifting the lids.

Two creatures pop their heads out, looking at the girl in either excitement or curiosity. Her eyes shimmer with slight tears, lip trembling as she shouts happily, "A Growlithe and Budew! Arigato!"

"Glad you like it!" The brunette mother exclaims, sapphire eyes flickering to her husband's emerald ones. She takes out a small box and so does he, each the same size. "We also wanted to give you these."

The young girl takes them and open them to find two necklaces with a different gem each, one sapphire and the other emerald. She looks up at her parents, eyes sparkling in happiness. "I'm glad I got to spend part of my birthday with all of you before Dad left," She smiles, hugging them both.

"C'mon guys, let's play together before Papa leaves!" She encourages the two pokémon, squatted down at their level, they nod and run with her outside.

"I wish we could always stay together," The mother whispers to her husband, he holds her in an embrace as they look through the door, seeing their daughter play outside.

"I know May but I have work in the city," He whispers back, kissing her forehead gently. She smiles up at him, knowing well he worked hard for them.

"I know... It's wishful thinking though. Rose might want to set off on her journey," She sighs and releases herself from his grasp, holding his hands in hers before jumping back, standing in the doorway. "Let's not be sad and cherise every moment we have together." He smiles at her and follows her running footsteps outside, all laughing as they run in the sunshine with their daughter.

*Time Skip*

"Come back home safely Papa!" Rose yells, waving goodbye at her dad.

"Be careful Drew!" May yells, hand on her daughter, worried about her husband.

"I will May! Take care you two!" He yells back from the vehicle driving him back to the city.

"I'm gonna miss him, we always have the best times when we're all together." Rose smiles up at her mom, her Growlithe and Budew at her feet, watching the speck disappear.

"Hey, let's go make dinner. And don't worry, he'll be back." She pats her daughter's head, Rose smiles again and runs into the house, pokémon following.

"Can we have rice balls? Oh, and Hi Chew?" Rose asks excitedly.

"Sure but we'll have Hi Chew after dinner. We'll go to the store together." May takes one last glance over her shoulder, eyes soften as she realizes how much they've been through. Brushing the past events behind her she walks into the house as well, closing the door behind her.


A/N: I'm so happy you guys like this short story.

Anyway that's all.

Lol, this sucks so bad what even.

Really glad you like it though and sorry for every mistake and the tardiness plus the shortness.



(P.S. Yes, I did change my username from lovinglyfierce to Bittersweet_Otaku)

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