Chapt 1: A Letter And A Strange Man

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This idea has been in my mind for a long time. And now I have finally discided to make it into a fanfic. I hope you enjoy my Ticci Toby x Reader and let's get started.

~enjoy :3

You sighed as you walked down the streets of the small town you lived in. It was the middle of the night and your father forced you to get out of bed and get more beer at the store. You were extremely annoyed, you didn't want to get out of bed and get him more alcohol, but you did it anyway because you didn't want to get in trouble.

You were 17 years old and you started dealing with this after you turned 10. That's when your mother died. Your father was really sad when it happened, but soon after, he began to get mad at everything and took his anger out on you.

You also had a 7 year old brother named Leo. He was born a year before your mother died. Your father didn't abuse him as much as he did you, but Leo did get yelled at a lot and when he was getting yelled at, he was being ignored. Since he was ignored so much, you had take him to school, you had to buy his everyday needs, and you had to feed him. But don't get me wrong, you loved your little brother very much and were quite protective of him.

So you were walking to a small store that your father only bought his beer from. It was a creepy store out in the middle of no where, nobody went this part of town unless they were looking for trouble.

You walked down the sidewalk and into the store where you were greeted by the old man who worked there at this hour. He was a kind old man who knew about your problems, so he would always take off half the price of the beer your father would make you buy.

You walked over to the section where the beer your father wanted was and picked up a few boxes full of them. Then you walked over to where the wine was because your father told you to also buy some wine for him as well. You grabbed it then walked over to the old man to buy your stuff.

"Your total is $60" the old man told you.

Your eyes widened, your were only given $40 bucks!

The old man could tell by the look on your face that you didn't have that much money. He smiled then spoke.

"It's all right (y/n)" he said kindly, "I'll bring down the price just for you, how bout...$30?"

You smiled brightly and nodded. The old man smiled and you gave him the money. He put your stuff in bags and handed them to you. You thanked him then left the store.

~time skip~

You sighed in annoyance, you weren't even half way home and your legs hurt like crazy. You should have brought your bike like you always did, but you were still half asleep when you left, you weren't thinking straight! And the weight of the alcohol wasn't helping.

You looked to your left at the forest. You were walking next to the huge forest that you always went by when you came out here. Then an idea came. You always go around the forest to get home, that would be considered the long way home. It would be a lot faster if you just took a short cut through here. You were a little skeptical at first because a lot of people from your town have gone missing in there, but you discided to do it anyway, you were brave and you could fight back if anything happened, and you also had to get home, your father hates it when you take a long time. You took out your phone and turned on the flashlight app then ran in.

The woods were extremely creepy and you had been walking for a long time. You had no idea where you were and nothing looked familiar. Then you relized that you were lost. You groaned in annoyance, but you stopped right when you heard a noise.

"Who's there!" You called out, frantically looking around.

You looked to your right and you eyes widened in fear. Standing right there was a person. The person was wearing a white mask with black eyes and black lips. But that wasn't what scared you, in his hand was a bloody knife!

You turned to run, but the weight of the beer was too heavy, so it made you slow. You were able to get like 5 feet away from the person, but it didn't help. Before you knew it, the person jumped you from behind! You dropped the bags and fell face first on the ground, oh how you hoped nothing broke. The person was now straddling your back and was holding both your hands behind your back so you couldn't get up.

"GET OFF ME!!!" You yelled while struggling, trying to get out of the person's grasp.

"Are you (y/n) (l/n)?" The person asked.

The person had a deep voice. It was a man.

"WHAT'S IT TO YOU!!!" You yelled.

The man got off you and grabbed your arm, yanking you off ground. Before you could say anything, the man pulled something out his pocket and stuffed it in your hoodie pocket. You were about to say something, but he spoke first.

"If you want to get out of here, keep going straight" he said, "make any turns and I will assure you, you will never get out."

With that he took off the opposite way he told you to go.

You were so shocked and confused you just stood there staring off into space. You soon snapped out of it and looked down at your hoodie pocket. You pulled out two letters. One addressed to Leo (l/n) and the other one to... (y/n) (l/n).


There is the first chapter, I hoped you liked it and I will update soon.

~bye bye :3

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