Ch.6: I'll Stay And I'll Learn

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Your first night with Toby was actually really fun! Most of the night was just you and him laughing your faces off. He was just extremely goofy! After Toby was done being a weirdo, you went to sleep.

(That Morning)

You groaned as the morning light shone through your window and hit your face. You sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. When you threw your legs over the side of the bed, you heard a snort come from the other side of the room.

You turned your head to the sound and nearly burst out laughing at what you saw. Toby was hanging off his bed upside down, sleeping. His mouth was opened and he was drooling, so there was a puddle of drool right below him. Oh you so wished you could take a picture of this, but, sadly, you weren't allowed to bring your phone with you.

You slowly got out of bed and tiptoed over to Toby. You knelt down in front of him, avoiding the puddle, and poked his cheek. He twitched a little bit, making you giggle. You continued to poke his cheek until he groaned and his eyes slowly opened.

You, for one, loved his eyes. Last night, he took off his mask and goggles just for you because he said you were his friend and he trusted you enough to see his face. They were such a pretty brown and suited him well. You also loved how they would light up every time he was happy.

"Good morning Toby" you said giving him a smile.

Toby groaned and twitched then sat up with his back facing you.

"Morning (y/n)" he replied, stretching his arms out.

"So...Toby...what exactly are we doing today?" You asked.

Toby rubbed the back of his neck then turned around to face you.

"Well, I guess I'm supposed help you find a weapon" he answered putting his hand on his chin as if he was thinking really hard.

You tiltedyour head in confusion. "A weapon?"

"Well yeah" Toby said, "you need a weapon if your going to kill some one."

You scowled at what he said. "Who says I'm going to kill anyone?!?!"

Toby gave you a confused look. "(Y/n), you do know you're here to learn how to kill, right?"

"Well, I don't want to kill anybody so that means I'm not going to kill anybody!" You said, your voice raising a little bit.

"If you weren't going to kill, why'd you come here?" He asked.

You gave him a 'are you really asking me that' face.

"Well, why?" Toby asked again.

You face palmed. "Toby, don't you remember, if I didn't come I would be killed!!!!"

Toby sat there for there for minute, twitching and cracking his neck, until he finally remembered.

"Oh yeah! I remember now" he yelled out with a happy look on his face, but his face soon turned serious. "You really have a problem, well! The only way for your problem to go away is for you to learn to kill and to kill!"

"But Tobyyyy!" You whined, "I don't want to kill anybodyyyy!"

You flomped onto your bed and whimpered into your pillow. Toby sighed, got up from his bed, and walked over to your bed. He sat down next you and rubbed your back, trying to get your attention.

"(Y/n), I know you don't want to hurt anybody, but your gonna have to if you want to live" Toby said trying to make you feel better.

Instead of agreeing with him, you started crying. Who knew, maybe by fake crying you could get Toby to help you get out of this crazy place.

Toby freaked out when he heard you crying. Just as planned.

"Aww (y/n) come on, please don't cry!!!" Toby reasured you while rubbing your back.

You just continued crying.

"You know, this couldn't be so bad" Toby said, "I mean, I'm sure there's that one person you want to get back at! Right?"

Your sobs immediately stopped.

"Maybe" you mumbled into your pillow.

"Alrighty than!" He said happily, "staying here and learning how to fight will surly help you get back at this person."

You turned your head to look at him. "You really think so?"

"Positive!" He answered.

You sat up and dried your fake tears. You were disappointed that your plan to get Toby to help you get out of here didn't work, instead you were actually agreeing with him and staying here. But hey! This could be the perfect way on getting your revenge on your father. Punishing him for making you suffer all these years, starving you, ignoring you, and beating you when ever you did something wrong. That was exactly what you were going to do! Right after you got out of this camp, you would kill your terrible father!

You jumped out of your bed and faced Toby, who was still sitting on your bed.

"Alright Toby, I'll learn to kill!" You said with a serious look on your face.

A bright smile grew onto Toby's face when you said that. He jumped up from the bed so now he was at least a foot taller than you.

"So you're not leaving?!?!" Toby asked.

You sighed and nodded your head.

"YES!!!" Toby yelled, fist bumping the air, "(Y/N)'S GONNA LIVE!!!"

He ran behind you and started doing a little happy dance. You giggled at his weirdness. He suddenly stopped and faced you, putting his hands on his hips.

"Well then (y/n)" he said happily, "if you want to learn how to kill, you're going to need a weapon!"

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