Chapter 23: Caught And Taken

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Previously: You dragged Toby to the crowd on the dance floor. You danced to the music and were having a great time...



Until the sounds of police sirens could be heard.

Everyone's head looked up towards the sounds. Those were definitely cops.

"How did they find us!?!?!?" Jeff screamed in anger, tugging at his greasy black hair.

Slendy got up on stage. "Everyone calm down! They're just the police. It's nothing we can't take care."

Masky and Noel suddenly came running on to the stage.

"These people aren't just normal cops, sir!" Masky said loud enough for everyone to hear. "They have weapons that I've never seen before and strange equipment!"

Noel dove into the conversation. "The already caught The Rake!!!"

The crowd of pastas and campers went silent, even Slendy and his brothers. Everyone knew The Rake was something you never wanted to deal with. To think that these people had really caught The Rake struck everyone with fear.

"What kind of cars are they driving?" Slendy asked, breaking the silence.

"Black vans." Masky answered.

"Any kind of logo?"

Noel said "no."

Slendy sighed. "Okay, everyone! Just head back to your cabins and don't. Come. Out."


Before anyone could get anywhere, the police came out from every corner and surrounded us, the only thing was, they didn't look like the police. They wore white trench coats and plain white masks. They also carried weird staffs that sparked at the tips.

Toby got in front of you and drew his hatchets from his belt.

"(Y/n), we need to get you to the cabin" Toby whispered to you.

You nodded your head. You and Toby would be safe in there...hopefully.

"I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" You heard Jeff scream.

You watched as Jeff ran at the white masked men with his knife in hand. He swung at one of the men, but the man dodged the attack. He got behind Jeff and struck him in the back with his electric staff. Jeff froze as the electricity struck him before collapsing on to the ground.

Everyone gasped. How in the world did this person take down the Jeff The Killer?! Wasn't he supposed to invincible or something?!

Slendy grew taller and stepped into the crowd, black tentacles coming from his back.

"Do what ever it takes." Slendy ordered the pastas. "Don't let any of these people live."

The air around you got menacing as you watched the pastas draw their weapons and prepared to fight. You would help, but none of the campers were told to bring their weapons, so you didn't have yours.

"Go." Slendy spoke and everyone charged.

You watched as one by one the pastas took down the white masked men, but pastas went down as well.

You stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do when you felt a presence behind you. You spun around to see a white masked man towering over you, prepared to electrocute you.

You got in a fighting stance, ready to go down with a fight. The man raised his staff, but suddenly stopped. He began to cough and blood ran down from behind his mask. He collapsed on to the ground and you could see a hatchet burried deep in his back.

You looked up from the man to see Toby running towards you.

Toby grabbed your shoulders. "Are you alright?!"

You nodded your head. Toby sighed in relief.

"Good." He grabbed your hand and you two took off running towards the cabins. "We need to get you somewhere safe."


Toby threw open your cabin door, you two walked in, then he slowly shut it. He walked over to his bed and pushed it away, revealing a hole in the floor.

"Slendy had these small rooms made under the cabins in case of emergencies." Toby gently took your hand and let you to the edge of the hole in the floor. "Jump down there. You'll be safe. Don't come out until some one comes and gets you."

You were about to jump when realization struck you. "Are you coming with me?"

Toby hesitated, but then answered. "No."

You eyes widened and you could feel a pain in your chest. "Why?!"

"I have to help, it's my job."

You squeezed his hand. "What if you get hurt?!"

"I can't get hurt."

You looked down at the floor. "Promise me you'll be safe and you'll come back."

Toby pulled down his mask, brought your head up, and gently kissed your lips.

"I promise."

You and Toby shared a hug before you jumped down into the underground room.

"Be safe." He looking down at you.

You nodded your head. "I will."

Toby moved his bed back into place and went back to help fight.


Toby hacked another person down with his hatchets. That made three, these guys are really hard to kill!

Toby watched as Puppeteer killed the last one. Thank goodness.

Toby wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked down at his hoodie, blood was everywhere.

"Awww! Dang it!" He yelled out loud.

Toby ran over to Masky. "Masky! My hoodie! What do I do?!"

Masky sighed. "Wash it."

Toby gasped. "Good idea!"

Masky rubbed his forehead. "How can you have so much energy at a time like this?"

Toby shrugged. "So, what did you do with your partner."

"I hid her in our cabin like we were supposed to." Masky looked down at the ground. "I hope she's okay."

Toby gasped. "You like her!"

Masky tensed up. "What?!"

"You like her, you like her, you like her!!!"

"I do not!"

Toby got close to Masky's face and whispered. "I bet you're blushing behind that mask."

Masky sucked in a breath of air and marched off.

"Every one gather round!" Slendy ordered the pastas, who obayed. "You all did a great job, I'm glad we're all on the same side."

"Who were those people?!" Sally called out.

Slendy sighed. "I don't know."

"BROTHER, ABOVE YOU!!!!" Splendy screamed, but it was too late.

Everyone looked up and a net dropped on top of every single pasta in the area. How it was possible? Who knows.

Toby tried to cut through the net on top of him, but for some reason, it didn't work. The net suddenly began to spark.

Toby couldn't feel him getting electrocuted, but he knew everyone else could because of the screams.

How could someone do this? How could someone actually catch them? How could someone actually defeat the Creepypastas.

Toby began to slowly loose consciousness.

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