Chapt 14: Plan Gone...Wrong?!

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Block out Clockwork's face and pretend you are the one in the picture

Okay, so Toby's original plan to confessing to you went like this. He was going to take off his hoodie and hold it over you head, keeping you dry from the rain. Once you got back to the cabin, he would tell you how he felt. He thought it was genius.

Instead, this happened...

Toby was about to take off his hoodie, but he didn't relize that there was a pretty big rock right in front of him. Before Toby knew it, he tripped over the rock and fell on top of you!

On your way to the ground, you closed your eyes tight. When your back hit the muddy ground, you slowly opened them to see a very shocked and flustered Toby.

You started to blush and your eyes widened, but you knew you had to keep it together.

"U-Uh...T-Toby, what are you d-doing?" You asked, trying to keep yourself from freaking out.

" see..." Toby stuttered.

I don't know what to say! Toby yelled in his mind.

Suddenly, a idea popped in Toby's head. He took a deep breath, causing a bit of his blush to go away, and put on a goofy grin.

"I'm keeping you dry~" Toby chirped.

You sat there, not moving, for a good minute. Well, that was until you let out a laugh.

"You're silly Toby!" You laughed.

Toby sighed. You weren't mad at him.

Toby laughed with you until his face got serious. This confused you, Toby isn't a serious person.

Toby's eyes closed half way and his lips parted all little bit. Right after that, he began to slowly lean in, getting closer and closer to your lips.

Oh my god. Oh my god! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!! HE'S GOING TO KISS ME!!! You screamed in your head.

Part of you wanted to push him away and make a run for it, but another part of you wanted to stay right where you were and let him kiss you. Before you could make your decision, you felt lips touch yours. Toby's lips.

You might have died of embarrassment, your eyes were wide and nearly popping out of your head, your face was redder than it had ever been before, and you were so tensed it hurt.

After getting past the whole "OH MY GOSH HE'S KISSING ME, WHAT DO I DO", you relized that you liked Toby too. You mentally slapped your self, you should be glad this is happening.

After you relized this, you were about to kiss back, but Toby pulled away before you could. There was sadness and hurt in his eyes, you took to long to make your decision.

Quickly, Toby jumped off you.

"(Y-Y/n)...I...I-I'm sorry" he studdered.

Before you could respond, Toby turned and ran off.

You sat there, on the muddy ground, completely shocked. He sounded so hurt, you really regretted not kissing him back now.

Knowing you had to make this right, you got off the ground, your entire back covered in mud, and took off in the direction Toby went.

You were going to confess to him. You really did like him, you were just too much in a state of shock to respond to the kiss he gave you. You didn't want him to be sad, so you were going to tell him how much you loved him.

I know, it was a pretty short chapter.
I just wanted to leave you guys on a cliff hanger MWAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Anyway, the next chapter will be out soon and I promise it will be cute :3

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