Chapt 5: You're That Guy!!!

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Let's just say you were in a state of complete shock when you saw who opened the door. It was a boy wearing orange goggles and a mask that only covered his mouth, just like the boy who snuck into your house! He also had two hatchets hanging from his belt, just like the boy who snuck into your house!

This was the boy who snuck into your house!

"Hello? Is anyone there?" The boy asked waving his hand in front of your face.

You snapped out of your state of shock and your face was soon filled with pure anger.

"Your that boy that broke into my house!!!!!" You yelled, balling you hands into fists.

The boy seemed taken back by your sudden outburst. The boy leaned a little closer to you, as if to get a better look at you.

"Heeeey, your the girl who was in the house I broke into" he said leaning away.

"Ya think! What in the world were you doing in my house!?!?" You yelled.

"Hey hey, no need to get upset" he said putting his hands up, "I killed a person that was sneaking around right under your window, I saw that you were got one of the camp letters and I discided to give you some advice."

You eyed him suspiciously.

"Are you telling me the truth?" You asked, "you weren't some crazy stalker watching me?"

"I swear!" He said nodding his head vigorously.

You eyed and glared at him for another good thirty seconds. Right after that, you sighed and gave him a straight face.

"Fine...I believe you"

"YES!!!" The boy yelled, fist bumping the air.

"Let's start over!" He said happily, taking out his hand for you to shake, "my name's Ticci Toby, but please, Toby!"

"My name's (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)!" You said shaking his hand and giving him a smile.

"It's very nice to meet (y/n), please, come inside" he said with a British accent and opening the cabin door for you.

"Why thank you Toby" you said giggling at his goofiness and walking into the cabin.

You began to think that this camp wasn't going to be so bad. After all, you just made a friend...a friend that kills.


Sorry it's so short.
I'll update soon.

Camp Creepypasta  (Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now