Chapt 2: Another Strange Boy

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After you strange encounter with the strange masked man, you got home as fast as you could. You were a little curious about the man and wanted to follow him, but what he said about if you don't go that way you won't ever get out, you discided not to.

When you got home, you walked into your house as quietly as possible. You walked to the kitchen counter and took all the stuff you bought out of the bag before putting it all away. You were so relieved that none of it broke when the masked man made you drop the bags. You threw the bags away before tiptoeing to your room and quietly closing the door.

As soon as you were in your room, you flopped down on your bed and let out a relieved sigh. A little curious, you put your hand in your hoodie pocket and pulled out the strange letters. You looked at the front and back, there really wasn't anything special about the outside of the letter, so you discided to see how special the inside was. You put down your brothers letter, and opened your's. The letter was written in really nice handwriting.

It read:

Dear (y/n),

I have been watching you for quite some time now, and I think you have what it takes to be a Creepypasta. We are inviting you to a camp I have created to train you and some other chosen children to be the best killer you can be.

You eyes widened at the word killer and you were tempted to rip the letter up and throw it away, but you didn't. Instead, you continued to read.

We ask you to be waiting at the entrance of the town's forest on the second Monday of summer. That is where a bus will come pick you up.

"The second Monday of summer!" You yelled but also whispered, "that's tomorrow!"

Please bring every thing you think you will need, like things comfortable to run and swim in. Also pillows and a sleeping bag. The one thing I ask you not to bring would be your cellphone. We don't need anybody calling anybody and telling them what we are doing. That is all, I hope to see you there.


P.S. If you don't come, you will be killed.

Your were in shock for quite a while. When you snapped out of it, you had a quiet freak out.

"This is crazy!" You whispered. "Is this some sort of prank!"

You were freaked out. This really couldn't be a prank. I mean, a man jumped you in the woods just to give this to you. All though, it could be prank the bullies at school could be pulling on you. You groaned and hugged your knees.

"I just don't know what to do" You whimpered.

That's when the window opened and someone spoke.

"You really should know what to do"

Your head shot up from your knees. There was a boy, wearing goggles, a weird mouth thing, and had bloody hatchets hanging from his belt, standing in front of you. You started to scoot away, but you ended up falling off your bed. You immediately stood up and glared at the boy.

"Who are you?!" You asked, "get out of my-"

"If you don't come, we'll kill you" the boy said.

"How do I know this isn't a prank!?" You asked, trying to keep your voice low.

"You don't" he said shrugging his shoulders, "but do you really want to risk dying."

You stared at the boy suspiciously. He was twiching, and everyone once in a while he would crack his neck. That's when he turned around and headed back towards the window.

"H-hey, wait!" You yelled quietly.

Instead of waiting, the boy jumped the window.

You rushed over to the window and you nearly puked at what you saw. The boy was looking up at you from the ground holding a head from it's hair and blood was dripping from it. Next to the boy, was the body that the head belonged to.

"This isn't a prank"

That was what he said before dropping the head and running off.

You slid to you knees with your hand over your mouth, trying to keep your self from throwing up. Thankfully you didn't. When you were sure you were okay, you got up and ran over to you closet. You grabbed your (f/c) backpack and threw it on your bed. After that you grabbed all the things the letter asked you to bring. Clothes, pajamas, swimsuits, flashlights, some snacks you had stashed away in your closet, a sleeping bag, and a pillow.

After you grabbed everything you believed you could use at this Bazar camp, you zipped up your backpack and ran to your door. Before you opened it, you looked back at your room and at the (fav. animal) plushie on your bed. You quickly grabbed it. It was the stuffed animal your mom gave you before she died.

After that, you quietly ran to your little brother's room and started to pack all the stuff he needed. You made sure to read his letter, just in case something was different, but there wasn't. Soon after you were done packing everything, your brother woke up.

"(Y/n)... what are you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Leo, there's no time to explain, we have to go" you said pulling him out of the bed.

"I don't understand" he said as you threw him a shirt and a pair of pants.

"I'll explain on the way, but right now we need to hurry, please get dressed quickly."

Leo did as he was told and got dressed. While you snuck into the kitchen and grabbed him a few snacks.

After that, you snuck out. And the great thing was you did it with no one noticing.

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