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I WOULD be a fool to tell you this story is innocent.

To censor every minute detail with friendly smiles, warm hugs, and floating rose petals. To ignore reason and give you all a happily ever after.

But there is no such thing. Whoever tells you otherwise is lying. And whoever believes in eternal happiness has accepted a fate far worse than me.

A shame I cannot warn them; they are ash and bone to me, now. But I can warn you... if you let me. It will be difficult. You will doubt, and you will sneer. Alas, these are just black words printed on the skin of an orange screen. Entrapped on a plane of forgotten hopes and dreams, a land where fairy tales come to 'life'. That thing you humans call 'enjoyment'. What more is there to believe?

Too much, I'm afraid.

I am not a monster. I am a student of history. A dividend to your fantasy. And I have been many things in many different lifetimes. Today, I am a watcher. A storyteller. A teacher too few wish to mention.

And I want to share a life with you.

If you choose to leave, I will not protest. Every choice bears its own reward; what follows your decision is beyond my control. But heed my warning if you dare. Be careful what you wish for. Fate will know. Fate will catch you. And fate will break you.

That I can promise you.

There are no happy endings here. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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