Chapter 11: They're just FANS

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Beauty's P.O.V.

*Tell em go head as long as your house is the size of my closet*

I woke up to my alarm, Jesus I love that part it makes me feel boss, even though I am.  Well time for me to get this day started even though I don't want to go to school.

I got out of my bed turned on my speaker playing Shanghai by Nicki Minaj on repeat and hopped in the shower.

*30 minutes later*

I  get out of the shower and put on a black & pink crop top with flawless written on it, my black leather skater skirt, and my black studded Jeffrey Campbell's . I put my natural curls up into a bun with a white twisted turban headband in it. Did the rest of my beauty routine( make up, perfume, jewelry, etc.) grabbed my phone, book bag, purse.

As I walked downstairs I hear some man and my mom yelling.  When I go to her office, they stop and look at me.

"Hey Beauty baby, you look cute" my mom said walking to hug me  

"I know, thanks" I said hugging back not keeping my eye off the guy

When she let go there was just awkward silence and starring

"Mom who is this?" I asked breaking the silence

"oh nobody just a client baby go on to school"


I have a feeling he's not just a client. But, I grab my keys  and head out.

*15 Minutes Later*

I arrive at school and pull into my usual parking spot.  I see Stajcia and her hoe friends standing at the front doors.  I really dont feel like dealing with her today.  I grabbed my bookbag and purse and got out of the car. When I walked by she whispered something but I just kept going.  When I walked in people started whispering, I need to find Cammy somethings going on and I wanna know.  I kept walking to class and no one was in there so I walked to the caf to see whats up, but by the time I got there the bell rung so walked slowly back to class.  When I get there the late bell rings and as I walk in in everyone stares at me.  But cammy waved, thank god he saved me a seat. On my way to my seat I see Jay and Im guessing his new girlfriend. At that point I just wanted to break down and cry. But I couldnt have to stay cute.  I sat down and realized we had a sub, god is loving me today. 

"Hey Cammy where have you been?"

"Sorry I haven't called or nothing B I just got caught up with Brandon"

"It's okay what's up with everybody?"

"Well B the word is that you sleep around and you've had a train run on you by the whole basketball team ( Jay's friends) and me. Ole girl over there is his new  girlfriend and he's been saying that you were cheating and of course stajcias been saying you are just a pure thot."

At that moment  I just wanted to cry I've never been talked about at school ever. But I got to keep my head up this aint nothing. I went to the bathroom really quick to get myself together. I walked in and looked in the mirror and told myself, "dont worry about them babygirl THEY'RE JUST FANS"

I fixed my face and made sure I still looked cute and went back to class.

*Skip  to the end of the day*

I walked out of school and waited on Cammy in the front hall. Just when Jay & his girl walked by and sat on the same bench as me (which isn't so long so they were like right there) and started kissing. When finally Cammy came. We got into the car and went to my house

*Beauty's house*

" Mommy I'm home" I yelled

"Me too mommy!" cammy yelled

"Come here B!" she yelled back

"kayC! Cammy go upstairs and take my bags with you please"

I walked to her office where I'm guessing she was but she wasn't so I went into the dining room on my way to the kitchen. But to my surprise she was sitting in there with the guy from this morning and tea & cookies.

"Whats going on ?" I asked sitting down at the other end of the table farthest away from them

"well we need to tell you something"


"yes we"

"what is it?"

"well Beauty, I'm your biological dad" the guy said

"hahaha very funny" I said annoyed

"It's true Beauty" my mom said

"what?!" I yelled confused but angry

"Baby doll he's your father"

"no no"

"sweetheart" the man"my dad" said coming towards me

"no, no domnt touch me, HOW COME AFTER ALL THESE YEARS YOU JUST DECIDE TO POP UP, I CANT BELIEVE THIS. DONT TALK TO ME" I yelled running upstairs leaving them there

"Cammy my dad is here"


"I know right its crazy" I said starting to cry

"B come here"

I walked over to him as he sang o me holding me I drifted off to sleep.

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