Chapter 2: The hook up

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Camrons P.O.V.

Hey yalll I'm camron , Ik you tired of seeing shit through my baes eyes, so now you get to see shit through my eyes. Anyway I'm about to get my girl some d*ck. Well as im walking over to Jay I see the thot patrol coming. So I just call his name and pull him all the way to boys locker room.

"whats going on cam?" Jay asked

"Look you know the new girl beauty?" I asked

"Yea she fine as hell"

"Ok well thats my bestfriend and as you know im the king of hook ups"

"yea, ok?"

"well she likes you and im tryna hook yall up so give me yo phone im bout to put her number in it, ima send you a pic of her to set as the profile pic. And no matter what you doing I DONT GIVE A F*CK if you in the shower, taking a shit, or even watching porn, she like that freaky shit, you need to call her tonight by 9p.m. got it!! ok. bye"

"wait cam"


"thanks my nigga, you one of the coolest gay niggas out of the five of yall, as for them faggots they aint shit, but bye"

yes I did it! and p.s yall there is a distribution between faggots and gays at our school. Gays are the the cool ones we are the shit.  The faggots are the ones that aint shit. Anyway now all I gotta do is let my boo know. Lemmme get back to her before she get attacked by these thirsty ahh niggas. They better back off cuz she bout to be taken.

"hey cammy!!" she yelled through the croud of niggas

"Alright, Alright,  back ya thirsty asses up, she gone be taken soon. They got water over there at the beginning of the lunch line if you need some. and heeey biiih guess what!!"


"nothing nevermind just watch out for your phone at about nine, ill tell you then"

"huuuugh, please just tell em now I cant wait"

"nope I dont think so"

"ok cammy, I gotta go my mom is calling me to come"

"but its lunch time"

"so when she calls I have to come"

"ok bye hoe"

"bye thot"

"bih I aint apart of they patrol"

"haha bye cammy"

Beautys P.O.V.

I wonder what he's gonna tell me. But, wait I forgot to ask him what Jay said. I guess thats what hes gonna tell me.

*8 hours later*

(right now I wanna sex you baby*phone ringing*)

I look at my phone, it was 9 but this wasnt cammy. So I picked it up and-

"Hello" a sexy deep voice said

"Hello?" I said curiously

"Is this Beauty?" the unknown but familiar voice asked

"yes who is this?"

"Jay, from school"

"Ohhhh Jay how did you get my number?"

"Cam gave it to me"

(Omg!!! so this is cammys big surprise oh how I love that boy.)

"Hello?" he asked

"oh sorry I was thinking"

"thinking about what?"

"oh its nothing"

"ok? you wanna know what im thinking about?"




"yep, um hey I know this is kind of a rush but I was hoping since tomorrow is saturday, would you like to spend that night getting to know eachother?"

"sure" I said blushing

"ok so its a date?"

"yep its a date"

"alright I gotta go dinner is ready talk to you tomorrow"

"ok bye

"Bye beautiful"

As soon as he hung up I went straight to sleep so that tomorrow could come sooner.

Jays P.O.V.

I cant wait for tomorrow. I think im really in love with this girl. Ive never felt this way before everybody knows im the player type, but no not with her I wont be. Goodnight yall

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