Chapter 14: What happened to Beauty?

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*2 weeks later*(Back in Atlanta)

Jays P.O.V.

I walked in school this morning a lil late. When I walked in class of course people stared but I looked to my left and NO BEAUTY once again. So I walked over to cam totally ignoring my girlfriend

"Cam where has B been lately ?"

"whats it to you?"

"I was just wondering"

"They moved back to L.A." he said seemingly annoyed

"Do you think if I called her she'd answer?"

At this point I'm hoping for a yes

"probably not but you can try"

I was so exciteed he said probably, Im gonna call her tonight

Cammy's P.O.V.

I wonder why Jay is even worried abolut her it's not like he cares about her. Or does he?

(meanwhile in L.A.)

Beauty's P.O.V.

Hey guys so I'm now dating this guy named Domonic he is he greatest. He spoils me like there is no tomorrow. No we haven' done it yet, I'm trying this thing where I dont let my guard down so easily. its working out pretty well. Anyways I'm on my way to school.

I walk in and go to my first period. We have assigned seats ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I find my name and look at the ones near me.

A minute later, this really pretty girl walks in. She's looking for her name. I'm hoping it's either Kaliyah, Makhy, or Egypt(the three closest names to me) She sits where it says Makhy. She turned and looked at my name

"um Inesol-" she was trying so hard lol so I cut her off

"Call me Beauty " I said to her giggling

"Okay I'm Makhy but you can call me khy"

" Kay um do you know these two girls" I said pointing to the desks in front of and to the left of me

She got up and looked at the names

"Yeah! they're my friends really the only people I talk to and vice versa"

Oh cool are they nice?"

"yep here they are now" she said pointing to two more really pretty girls

"wassup khy boo" they said in unision

"hey yall this is Ine- Beauty , she's our new friend"

I just wavd and smiled

"coolio, you're really pretty B, you from around here?"


"well Im Egyp and shes kaliyah but you can call her liyah"

*bell rings*

All xdurin g class me and my new friends talked and laughed and exchanged numbers


"so who's house are we going to tonight?' Khy asked

Then they all turned to me

"B!can we come to your house?" egypt asked

"yeah B can we " Liyah asked also

" sure" I said

Just then Domonic starts to walk towards me

"ugh! here he comes" khy said

"omfg what does he want" liyah said

Egypt just gave him a stink face

I was so embarassed, cause he's my boyfriend

"Hey baby" he said kissing

"um hey" I said lowly

They all got up.

"text me your adress, well discuss this tonight" khy said

I felt so awkward

"Um babe, I gotta go the dance teacher wanted to see me" I lied and got up quickly

*end of the day*

I drove home thinking about lunch and what happened I wondr why hey hate Dominic so much

Its 6pm and i hear the doorbell ring. I put my slippers on and go open it. It was the girls and they had suitcases.

" Hey bihhhhhhhh" they yelled loudly

"hey yall"

we went up to my room

"so whats in the bags?" I ask

"our stuff duh!" egypt said

"um okay"

"we're staying the night khy said

I was shocked I didnt know thats what they meant

"Anywho so why Dominic?" egypt asked

"yeah, dont you know" khy asked

"wait, know what?" I asked a little scared

"he's a man hoe" khy said

"what does that mean?' I asked

"it means he dates the prettiest thing near him and once he gets what he wants he moves on to the next thing" Liyah stated

I was about to say something but then my phone rang. jugh why is Jay calling me

"ooooooo juice" "who we talking to?" "hotline blinging" my friends yelled from my room

I just laughed as I answered

B: "what?!"

Jay: you answered thank god

B: just tell me what you want

Jay: I wanted to talk, you dint even say goodbye before you left

B: why would I do that?

Jay: I'm just trying to be civilized, Jesus

B: Either tell me what you wan or I'm hanging up

Jay: i just want to talk B damn

B: Bye Jay

Jay: wai-

*hangs up*

I walked back into my bedroom

"so who was that? whats the tea? we heard yelling?" khy spoke breaking silence

"It was just a nobody dont worry"

"God what is he thinking? why would he call me? ugh!" I thought to myself

"well back to dominic, you never told us why" egypt said

"idk its something about him"

"I heard he's a woman beater so watch out" Liyah Said

"okay thanks girls, I'm tiredles hit he sheets" i stated turning the lights off

Egypt, Makhy, Kaliyah, Beauty in the MM( from left to right)

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