Chapter 14. 5. A Series of Unfortunate Events in the Hoshino.

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No music on this chapter.

No fonts.

no joy or life.

this hurts me more than you guys, believe me.


I dont wanna write this.

but it must be done

for so it is written.

This will be Aquamarine hoshino's point of view.

Ah... warnings... A lot of death and death and blood and possibly sensitive things for some people....

i wanna cry already


Four Years Ago. The day of the tokyo dome concert.


I would usually think that Shinju could be compared to Ai or Ruby in the amount of... Childishness she eludes from herself...

'Ai's concert is today..' 

Today was the concert... Shinju was certainly... Nervous.

She hadn't slept...

She woke up many times in the middle of the night.. I remember her calling someone... 

It must be something to do with her previous life... and that is mostly a taboo topic for us... 

Well, After being... helped to getting dressed up by Ai... 

Ruby went back to sleep, since we would be picked up by Miyako-San later...

Shinju was nowhere to be seen...

"Aqua, Have you seen your sister?" Asked Ai... She knew I was smart and observant of most things that happened...

I decided to act a bit childish and simply moved my head side to side in a sign of denying.

"wah... Aqua! you are so cute...!" Said Ai as she patted my head... It was blissful to be in this situation... 


"Nuh uh. Say MAaaaa Maaaa." Said Ai... It would be inapropiate for me... But... This... She absolutely melts my heart....

"...Mother." I said... It would be... Bad... Simply horendous for my conciousness to call her Mama, but mother is atleast warmer...

"Nuh, uh! Mama or you don't get to watch the concert-"

"I love you dear mama of mine." I said... This would be the epitome of her career, I would absolutely not want to miss it...

yet her eyes seemed to hold something more than the childish Ai when I said I love you...

"Aweee... Anyways! Shinjuuu! Wheeeree areee youuuu?" Said Ai trying to find my sister...

"ah... am here..." Said my sister as she... CRAWLED FROM UNDER THE BED?! her eyes looked bloated... was she crying?... but her hair was disrelished enough that I can argue she was sleeping... Or crying in her sleep?

"Eh... You can catch a cold there you know?" Said Ai... Not questioning why she was out of the bed in the first place.


"Ah... you are so clumsy..." Said Ai...

'You are one to speak.'

"Now now, I need to give you a quick bath or something or mimako-"

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪【Oshi No Ko】 Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now