Chapter 7

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Once Kim is asleep and tucked into Khun's bed, Porsche is surprised Chay joins them to research. While he has warmed up to being around Kim, he still seems distant and distracted with everyone. But as soon as Porsche, Kinn, Khun, Arm, and Pol start typing away to try to find something, Chay joins them too. Porsche is grateful for it, for the most part. He wants to keep an eye on his brother, but he also doesn't want him to feel overwhelmed with too much, too soon.

Although, the longer they research, the more it becomes apparent that they won't come up with "too much, too soon".

They start researching the whole de-aging thing first. Even Chay agrees it is more important than the cuff around his wrist. Actually, Chay insists on it the most.

"I can deal with this a while longer," Chay says as he clicks on links that are proving to be more and more pointless, "But his life and career are going to be disrupted by this. It will cause problems and his fans will speculate within a week."

And while Porsche definitely sees his point, he also doesn't want Chay to ignore his own situation in favor of someone else's, push his own trauma away, or feel tied down to a toddler when he was the sole caretaker of Kim while they were lost in the forest.

Also, Kim is super cute and fun. Exhausting, but that doesn't take away from the adorableness and entertainment he provides.

Regardless, Porsche still sees the importance of getting Kim back to normal, so that's what they'll do.

If they can find answers and figure out how.

"I found some episodes of sci-fi shows across the world where this has happened," Tankhun says after an hour, "They all have different scenarios and solutions, but maybe one of them is right."

"I found articles about how to deal with your manbaby of a husband," Pol says in confusion, "But I don't think Kim is what they mean."

"There are some school pictures people shared of Kim on some fansite," Kinn says, "Maybe one of these people did this to him? Or someone who found them while searching up information?"

"I found a reader insert fanfic some girl wrote about getting married to Wik and raising his infant clone," Chay says, looking put off by the story, "He's so out of character. Who does this person think he is?"

Porsche had given up about fifteen minutes ago, so he just turns his laptop around to show him what he's working on now, "I found some really cute outfits! I think he might like them. Kinn, we should get him one of those toddler cars too, a motorized one."

"Ugh, Porsche, your attention span is even worse than mine," Khun says with a groan, then looks at Arm hopefully and glances at his screen, "Do you have anything? You are by far the smartest person in this room. I have faith in you, Arm. You can solve this."

Arm gives Khun a sympathetic look and shows him his screen too, "I found magician handcuffs for kids."

Khun pouts at that, then lets out a sigh, "Chay, send me that story. I want to see how ridiculous they make my brother sound."

Kinn scoffs at that, "We've only been researching for an hour, Khun! Let's try for a little longer."

And while Khun agrees to that, they don't make much of a dent in it. Porsche forces himself to stop looking at stuff for Kim and researches how to remove indestructible handcuffs. Khun and Pol start watching the highest rated sci-fi program that features de-aging. Arm finds a few Wiccan and Pagan groups in various countries and reaches out to them through a burner email and IP. Kinn continues looking at the more obsessive fan groups and seems to be getting more and more disturbed by the content in them.

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