Chapter 4

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Chay is so glad they threw things from the bathroom into the large backpack. Some of them had been necessary, like the food, water, a lighter off one of the bodies, a flashlight, and a first aid kit. Then there were other things, such as a bar of soap, a bottle of shampoo, a travel size deodorant, and a white t-shirt that Chay grabbed to use in case Kim’s wound tore and needed pressure. When he initially grabbed them, the extra items seemed like added weight. But now that they have been out here for days? They are necessities. Chay fully intends on using them when they see a waterfall going into a stream. It’s in yet another ravine and Chay is a little more nervous to slide down it. Kim’s size may be a problem once it is time to climb up. 

However, Chay doesn’t think the cons outweigh the pros, especially when walking downstream seems to be less steep and much less muddy. They can fill up the used water bottles to have as back-ups in case they get through the unopened ones before getting out of here. They can bathe. They can even wash their shirts. Kim can just sleep in the spare one overnight. And if Chay gets lucky, he can catch a couple of fish and cook them over tonight’s fire. That might really help the both of them, getting something other than the rationed granola bars in their stomachs. 

It may get Kim to feel more…stable. More like himself. It’s been touch and go today. When they arrived at the ravine, he had been mostly normal. He got kind of weird about taking the shirt off though. 

“I don’t want you looking,” Kim says stubbornly as they stand next to the falls, “This isn’t how I normally look. I am usually much bigger.”

And Chay doesn’t know if Kim is talking about his body or his…something else. If Kim were talking about his dick to him several months ago, Chay would have been left stammering. But right now? 

“Get in,” Chay says with a scoff, then forces himself not to push Kim in and waits patiently with his back turned until Kim gets in on his own.

“Can I turn back around?” Chay asks. 


Chay does just that, then feels anxiety hit him when he sees Kim bobbing in the water, “Can you touch?”

“No,” Kim says, but something seems off again, “It’s deep! Jump in!”

As Kim squeals with delight, Chay wants to groan. But it could be worse. Happy toddler Kim is much better than exhausted toddler Kim, tantrum throwing toddler Kim, or heartbroken toddler Kim. 

“Fine,” Chay says, taking off his pants. When he catches Kim staring with wide eyes, Chay gives him a stern look which immediately has Kim turning around in embarrassment. Chay doesn’t take off his underwear until he is in the water. He figures he can just go commando tonight and wash his shirt, underwear, and socks so they can dry until morning. 

“I’m going to wash our clothes,” Chay says, walking closer to the waterfall. Kim was right. It is deeper than it looks here. Chay can still touch, but the water goes up to his chest, “Are you okay while I do that? Can you manage to wash yourself with the soap-”

“I wanna swim!” 

Chay rolls his eyes, “I’m not saying you can’t. Just make sure you are clean, because I want to use the soap next. I know it isn’t hygienic, but it’s all we have. So use it while I’m washing our clothes."

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