Chapter 4

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Reason hung up the phone. I panicked for a second then started breathing slowly. 'okay, I can do this.' I thought to myself. After i calmed down i decided to go to class.

Alot of people gave me stares, some were whispering to each other probably saying some rude remark about me, some of them acted as if I were the plague, some just ignored my presence all together.


I walked off a ways, I needed to let my anger out before returning to Jay. I punched one of the metal street lights not caring if people started, I just can't stand the thought of him being scared like that. Geez. I was mean to walk off like that, he needs help, I turned back around and called for Jay.

"Jay! Jay?!" I walked slowly down the sidewalk but came to a stop when my eyes caught a small trail of blood, realizing who's blood it was I followed the trial until I saw him sitting on the curb. I rushed over and kneeled in front of him, he flinched and held his hands up in defense, he still had fear in his eyes.

"Jay." I whispered softly. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I don't want to leave you though." He looked down at the ground. "I shouldn't ask this but. could you maybe come with me to my apartment? I mean, if you want to that is. I could fix you up and clean your wounds.." I heard him reply quietly,

"ok." I was kind of surprised.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded his head and looked up at me, he still had the same look in his eyes. "I mean, if you don't want to you don't have to."

"I'll go." He said and stood up. I stood up next to him.

"Jay, just know that I'm not gonna force you to do anything, you can make your own choice." he nodded he head again.

"It's ok." I tried to put a smile on my face and held my hand out to him. He hesitantly took it and I gently pulled him along with me. It was only a 5 minute walk back to my place. I thought about Caitlin. 'She'll be okay' I thought. 'She's a tough girl, she can handle it, I'll text her when I get home and let her know what happened.' I kept thinking on my way back to the apartment with Jay. I glanced at him. he was quietly watching the ground as we walked, I soon realized he was avoiding every crack in the sidewalk like a little kid. I chuckled softly pulling my free hand up to cover my mouth so he couldn't tell I was laughing.

Once we reached the apartment, I pulled Jay inside. The boys had left for work so it was just Jay and I.

"Why don't you go hop in the shower and I'll bring you a towel and a change of cloths?" I looked at him, he was still looking at the ground but he nodded softly. "Okay, it's just the door at the end of the hall."

"Okay.." He let go of my had and started making his way to the back of the apartment. I pulled my phone out and text Caitlin.

Hey sorry about earlier I ran into a kid who was pretty badly beat up, brought him home and he's showering rn. Mind if I give him some of your clothes to wear? Mine are going to be way to big on him.

She replied almost instantly.

It's okay, I calmed down and I'm in class right now, in my dresser there are some sweats and just pick any t-shirt from my closet. I love you, I hope he's okay.

Me too hun, he's in pretty bad shape. I love you, if you need me to call you out just text me.

She didn't respond, I took that as a good sign. I smiled slightly at my phone when I heard the shower turn on. I walked down the hall towards Caitlin's room. I opened the door and stepped in. 'as clean as ever.' I thought taking a look around. 'She was always so neat, I have no idea where she gets it from, the rest of us are pigs.' I chuckled to myself and searched her dresser for a pair of sweats. I found some plain black ones at the bottom of the second drawer. 'okay t-shirt. Probably something also black, he doesn't seem like a very colorful kid.' I searched through Caitlin's closet, I only got to the fifth shirt before pulling a short-sleeve Metallica t-shirt off the hanger.

I walked out of Caitlin's room, after closing the door behind me I headed for the towel closet. I got out a bath towel and headed for the bathroom door. I listened for a minute and realized the water wasn't running anymore. I knocked.

"Jay?" I asked concerned. The door propped open slightly, and his hand came slithering out. I put the towel and clothes in his hand. "When you get dressed bring your other clothes out, I will wash the blood out of them."

"Okay.." Was his only response before the door closed again. I turned and headed for the living room. i sat on the couch for a couple minutes scrolling through my phone before Jay came out. I looked at him and stood up, he had his dirty cloths in his hand all except for his jacket which he had on. i walked over to him and took the clothes.

"You're jacket too, it has blood on it. Hand it over." I held out my hand and held the clothes in the other hand. he shook his head.

"I can't." He held his arms close to his body.

"What if I gave you a clean jacket to wear, then would you give me that one?" He thought about it for a minute, the nodded his head. I sighed. "Okay, come on." I said leading him back to the area where our washer and dryer were installed. I put the clothes in the washer and looked at Jay. "That one too and I'll get you a different one."

He hesitated, he looked like he was in pain having to part with the jacket for even a second. 'it can't mean that much can it?' He slowly took the jacket off revealing his arms and neck, both of which were covered in scars and bruises. My heart broke into a million pieces.

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