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Selena's POV


"I can't do this anymore!" I shouted at him.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his face between his hands. I walked to out wardrobe to take all of my clothes.

"Please, Sel we need to talk about this." He said looking to the floor.

"Are you fucking kidding me? TALKING ABOUT WHAT EXACTLY?" I screamed at him.

He was still just looking to the floor.

"Are we gonna talk about how you fuck that whore?" I screamed at him while throwing my clothes on the bed.

"Is that what you're going to explain me?" I said.

I was really angry. We've been dating for over 2 years and I trusted him, I never thought that he would cheat on me like that.

"Sel, please. It's not what you think." He said in a low voice.

I knew him pretty well, and I knew when he was telling lies and he's been lying for the past 3 months.

"Please don't do this." He said and stood from the bed to take my clothes.

"LEAVE THAT!!!" I screamed at him trying to take my clothes of his hands, he was shaking his head.

"I can't let you go." He said fighting me.

"FUCK YOU. I'LL BUY NEW ONES!" I said and grabbed my coat and bag and did my way downstairs.

He threw the clothes on the bed and followed me, I felt his steps. He was running. He grabbed my hand to stop me but I fight him.

"Let me go, you stupid bastard." I said and looked at his eyes.

He was hurt by my words, he let go of me and opened his mouth a bit. But honestly I didn't care at all. I gave up on everything in my life to be with him, I even left my country to be here with him, to be his support and he pays me with this? Cheating on me with a fucking whore?

I opened the door and he followed me.

"Selena I love you, please. You're taking things too far-

"Too far?" I turned around to face him.

"What should I do? Clap you? Congratulate you? Ask for an autograph?" I said and he looked down to the floor.

"You broke my heart Manuel. I gave up everything to be with you and this is what I get." I said and he look up, to see me.

His blue eyes were glassy, he tried to talk but he couldn't. He lifted his hand to touch me but I moved and walked out thru the door.

Manuel's POV


"Guten morgen." I heard a female voice.

I turned around to see and adorable old lady, sitting by the vegetables section.

"Looking for something specific?" She asked with a big smile.

"Guten morgen, Ja, pineapple." I said and she nodded.

"Ahh pineapple, are you making a pie?" She asked me wittily.

I laughed.

"No, I am making juice." I said and she smiled.

"Here you go. A fresh pineapple." She said handing me a big pineapple.

"Danke." I said smiling and kept walking.

The market wasn't crowded; it was Sunday so maybe people were resting. It's cool that way because I don't have reporters all over me.

I was in the cereal corridor. I was about to grab my muesli when I felt a touch on my knee, I looked down and saw the cutest little girl I've ever seen. She was smiling widely; she had big blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing pigtails and a blue dress.

"You're so tall." She said with an adorable voice, I smile.

"Danke." I said and she giggled.

"Maybe someday you'll be tall as me." I said and she shook her head.

"Girls not tall." She said shaking her little finger.

"My mommy is short." She said and I laughed.

"I see, well, short girls are the cutest." I said caressing her hair and she giggled again.

"I can't reach my cereal." She said with a sad face.

"Really? I think I can help you." I said and she nodded faster.

"Which one it is?" I asked and she walked a few steps away.

"That one." She said pointing to a box of froot loops.

I grabbed one and look at it. She was impatient.

"This has a lot of sugar." I said and she made a puppy face.

"Is my favorite." She said lifting her hands, trying to reach the box and I smiled.

"THERE YOU ARE." I heard a female voice coming from the extreme of the corridor.

I look up and saw Selena. She looked at me and we both froze. I couldn't speak and my knees were weak.

"Mommy, mommy." The little girl said, running to Selena's arms.

"That gentleman help me reach the cereal box." She said but we still were looking each other.

"He's so tall." She added.

Selena broke the eye contact to talk with the little girl, she bend to take the girl into her arms.

"Baby, I've told you not to separate from mommy's side." She told the little girl.

I took a few steps closer to them but she took a few back, looking at me. Her look was confused and nervous at the same time.

"He grab the box for me." The little girl said, pointing at me.

I was now closer to them, Selena turned to look at me.

"That's great honey – she said while fixing the girl's hair – what do we say to people when we receive their help?" She asked the little girl.

"Danke sir." She told me.

I felt my heart melting.

"You're welcome." I said and she giggled and Selena turned around but I grab her arm.

"Selena." I whispered and she stopped.

"DO you know my mommy?" The girl asked and I nodded.

"He is an old friend dear." She told the girl.

"I am Manuel, what's your name?" I asked bending to the ground to be as the same height of the girl.

"I am Madeleine, but you can call me Maddie." She said and immediately I felt my heart racing.

I look up to see Selena and she was looking down. I opened my eyes widely and look to the girl again.

"Madeleine – I said letting out a sight – That's such a lovely name."I said looking to Selena now.

"Danke." She said smiling.

"I always said that when I had a girl, I would name her Madeleine." I said and she opened her mouth.

"Do you have a daughter?" She asked....

¿My daugther?  |M.Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now