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Selena's POV

I saw his face and it was lit up with a special glow that was provided by Maddie's sweetness.

"Okay, Macaroni and cheese it is." I said and started grabbing the ingredients.

I felt Manu's hand in my waist and turned around to face him, he had a big smile in his face.

"Let me do it, please." He said and I smiled a bit.

"Fine." I said handing him the pot.

I sat on the breakfast table while playing with Maddie and her dolls. As he cooked the dinner. Eventually Maddie turned around and spoke to him and they both laughed at some bad joke that he did. She was mesmerized with him and her conversations flowed so naturally.

"Dinner it's done!" He exclaimed.

"yaay" Maddie screamed.

I grabbed the plates and put them on the table and he served us.

"This looks delicious." Maddie said.

"It does, indeed." I added and he smiled.

"I hope you like it." He said to Maddie and she smiled big time, taking a bite from her plate.

"I LOVE IT." She screamed and we all laughed.

After we finished the meal, I did the dishes while he played with Maddie. They were so alike, I saw the hair for example, it had the same texture, so soft and straight with a beautiful blonde color, so light and sweet.

"Sel?" I heard Manu's voice that woke me up.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you playing with us?" He asked and they were both looking at me.

"Um yeah, I'm just finishing here." I said and they both nodded at the same time, it was a bit creepy.

We played for about two hours and I looked at the clock and it was 11:49 pm. I saw that Maddie was a bit tired but didn't wanted to stop, apparently she was having so much fun but she had kinder tomorrow.

"Alright. I think it's enough." I said and Manu looked at me confused.

"For today, right?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. I mean look at the clock, she had kindergarten tomorrow." I said and he looked down to the floor.

"Will you come and play with me tomorrow?" She asked Manu, smiling a bit and he look up quickly.

I saw his blue eyes sparkling now, like a glass of champagne. He smiled widely and nodded faster.

"Of course, everyday if you want me to-

"Ok enough." I said grabbing him by the arm and pushing him to the door.

He was fighting a bit but finally gave up. Maddie was following us all amused.

"He's so big and tall, you'll never win mommy." She said in the middle of giggles.

"Oh I will." I said and they both laughed.

He bend to see Maddie better and grabbed her hand.

"I had a great time Maddie." He said and she smiled.

"Me too." She said.

"I would love to come and play with you more often, would you like that?" He asked and she nodded faster.

Finally she approached to him and gave him a small hug, he immediately wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. My heart melted a bit. They broke the hug and Maddie gave him a hi5.

"Okay, say goodnight to Manu." I said and she nodded.

"Goodnight." She said.

"Now go to sleep. I'll be there in a minute." I said and she disappeared thru the hall.

He was looking to the floor. He seemed sad now that she was gone. And after a few seconds of awkward silence, he finally looked at me with the most expressive face, filled with confusion and sadness.

"She's perfect." He simply said and I nodded slowly.

"She is."

"You're doing a great job Sel." He said looking straight into my eyes.

I felt his stare and shivers flew down my body.

"Thanks Manu." I said and he closed his eyes and smiled.

"Manu... - He said opening his eyes now – You haven't called me like that in years." He said.

And I looked confused.

"I mean, directly to me at least." He said and I moved my head aside.

"That's your name." I said and he smiled kindly.

"We need to talk." He said and.

"About what?" I asked.

"About Maddie. I want to be part of her life now and I will do anyth-

"Ok." I simply said, and he took a step back, shocked.

"Really?" He asked incredulous, since he clearly thought that I wasn't letting him spending time with Maddie.

"Yeah. Sure." I said and he moved his head aside.

"I am only doing this because she seems to like you, that's all." I said and he rolled his eyes, letting out a sight.

"Fine. Thank you Selena." He said and finally smiled.

I nodded.

"Can we meet? So we discuss the stuff?" He asked.

"Of course. I would love to." I said and extended my hand for him to take it.

He looked a bit insecure and confused, he didn't took it, instead he took a step closer to me and wrapped me between his big arms. I froze at the beginning but then I let him do it. I had so many memories, of those times when we were together. He smells so nice and his sweater was really soft and comfy. I closed my eyes and felt his warmth leaving his body to enter mine. I felt his hand caressing my bare back coming out from my top, and that gave me goosebumps.

"Sel" I heard his low voice.

It was like velvety and felt like a caress on my ear. Immediately I broke the hug and took a step back.

"It's late. You should go." I said and he looked disappointed.

"Okay." He sad walking towards the door. He grabbed the latch and turned to see me.

"Thank you for this." He said and smiled, leaving my apartment and leaving me with the desire of have remained in that embrace forever....

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