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Selena's POV

We saw all the kids leaving, their parents receiving them. I felt something in my stomach I am pretty sure it was happiness. This is the first day that Maddie is picked up at school by both parents and wanted to be special, a thing that she would remember for the rest of her life.

"Are you ok?" I heard Manu's voice and I nodded.

I turned around to met those beautiful icy blue eyes, he was smiling.

"You're emotional." He pointed out.

"I AM EMOTIONAL!" I exclaimed and we both laughed.

"It's just, this is the first time that Maddie is picked up by both parents and I know she's gonna freak out of happiness." I said and he nodded.

"Sel.... I would like to do this more often, is that okay with you?" He asked shyly.

"Manu, of course, you don't have to ask." I said and he smiled widely.

"Sel... I just wanted to thank you for letting me do all this." He said and I turned to look at him.

He was serious now, he grabbed my hand and I fell my legs shaking. We dated a long time ago and he was my first love, I had a hard time trying to forget him and eventually I did, but Maddie was a constant reminder of him not only because she looked exactly like him, or have similar personalities and tastes, but because she was ours, she was our kid.


"Please, just accept my thanks, because you're amazing and I am lucky that I have you and Maddie in my life." He said and caressed my hand.

We kept looking each other, his touch was warm and steady but soft. I felt my heart melting after his sweet words. His eyes now were tender and I can swear they were glowing. He lifted my hand and brushed his lips on the back of my hand then placed a soft kiss on it. I felt my heart racing and suddenly heard Maddie's voice and dropped my hand quickly and stepped out from the car. I heard Manu's laugh behind me.

"Mama!!" She screamed running towards me.

She looked so happy and she was carrying a drawing.

"Papa!" She screamed once she saw Manu behind me.

"Look what I did." She said showing us the draw.

"This is you mama and papa and this is me and zuzu, the cat." She said pointing to beautiful white cat.

"This is beautiful sweetie, the most incredible drawing I've ever seen." Manu said and she smiled.

"I love it sweetheart, but we don't have a cat." I said and she giggled.

"Maybe we can buy one?" She said with a puppy face.

"I don't think that would be a-

"Great idea, let's have a cat." Manu said lifting Maddie and doing the little plane for her.

I rolled my eyes and got into the car. He started the engine and Maddie sat between us, she was happier than ever. She started playing with Manu's hair and he laughed.

"How was school baby?" I asked.

"It was cool. Those boys stopped messing with me, they say that my papa is amazing." She said smiling widely.

"Papa I didn't know that you were famous." She said focused on Manu's hair.

"Well- He started but he was blank.

"Well, baby... Papa's work is amazing. He's a goalkeeper from a very awesome football club." I said and she nodded.

"Those guys that play with a ball on a grass?" She asked.

"Yeah, exactly those." Manu answered smiling at me.

"And since he plays in out National team, all the people in Germany knows him." I said and she smiled widely.

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