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Manuel POV

I woke up really early early, took a shower and did my way to the grocery store. I bought some fruits, eggs, cheese, juice and did my way to Selena's apartment. I called her to tell her that I was downstairs and she came to open my door.

-"Good morning." She said with a big smile.

-"Guten morgen." I said giving her a hug.

-"What do you have there?" She asked while we were going upstairs.

-"Breakfast." I said shaking the bag and she laughed.

-"Is she awake?" I asked and she shook her head.

-"No, it's too early." She said.

"Right. So, at what time she's entering the kinder?" I asked.

-"9:00 am." She said.

I checked the clock on the wall and it was 7:00 am.

-"Great. I have time to make her breakfast." I whispered.

Selena's POV

-"Right. So, at what time she's entering the kinder?" He asked placing the bag of food on the table.

-"9:00 am." I replied while collecting some of her dolls that were all over the living room.

-"Great. I have time to make her breakfast." He whispered to himself but I heard him and smiled.

-"Okay, so I am doing some laundry." I said and he nodded.

-"Yeah, sure. I am making her breakfast." He said and I moved my head aside.

-"Are you?" I asked smiling.

-"Yeah, is that ok?" He asked and I nodded.

-"Please, that will be a lot of help." I said walking to the laundry.

I washed some of our clothes, Maddie's dresses since that seems to be the only thing that she likes to wear. And suddenly felt Manu's presence behind me, I turned around and saw him looking at me.

-"Yes?" I asked.

-"Right, hmmm... I was wondering if she likes mushrooms?" He asked.

-"Hmm I don't think so." I said and he nodded.

-"Not a lot of kids like it, right?" He asked and I laughed.

-"I am sure that just a few like it." I said.

-"Alright." He said and walked towards me.

-"Do you need help with that?" He asked.

-"No, it's ok, well, can you pass me that." I said pointing to the softener.

He grabbed it quickly and walked towards me.

-"How much do you want?" He asked opening the jar.

I looked at him. He was so determined, his eyes were full of will.

-"Just two measures." I said and he threw two measures of the softener on the washing machine.

-"Thank you." I said and he smiled genuinely.

-"You're welcome." He said leaving the room.

I checked the time and it was 7:45 am so I had to wake Maddie. I enter to her room and opened the curtain and the sun flooded the whole room but she didn't move. I walked towards the bed.

-"I see a girl." I said but she was still.

-"I see a girl that it's going to be late today."

I tried to remove her blanket but she fight me to keep it.

-"I see a bee." I told her and she laughed.

-"I see a bee that's gonna bite my girl" I said and she covered her face with the blanket.

And I started to tickle her and she was laughing out loud.

-"Now I see a humming bird near my girl" I said and started giving her kisses and she was laughing.

-"Come on, it's time to get up." I said and she removed the blanket and looked at me with a big smile.

-"Guten morgen mama." She said and touched my face.

She was looking at me like it was the first time. She always looks at me like that.

-"You're so beautiful." She said and smiled widely.

I felt my heart melting and kissed her on her forehead.

-"Not as much as you." I said and she giggled.

-"Come on, get up. Brush, bath, dress, and a breakfast surprise." I said and she looked at me impatiently.

-"What?" She asked.

-"Well, there's someone that's making you the break-

She didn't let me finish the phrase, she got up and ran to the kitchen. I followed her and what I saw just melted my whole heart and soul. She walked to the kitchen and ran straight to Manu, he heard the steps and turned around just in time when she was near to him with her arms open, he lifted her and she hugged him.

I can't believe how magic she is, how cute and understandable. She has such a beautiful soul.

-"Hallo papa." She said and I swear that Manu was dying in that exact moment.

He looked at her widely and after a few seconds smiled widely and kissed her forehead.

-"Hallo darling." He said and hugged her.

I didn't wanted to ruin the beautiful moment but it was late.

-"Hun? Bath. Now." I reminded her and she nodded.

-"Pull me down." She asked him so he did.

She smiled and ran to the bathroom. I stayed alone with him and he let out a sight taking a sit. I walked towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder, he closed his eyes and placed his hand on mine, then turned around to look at me.

-"Thank you." He simply said and I smiled.

After a few minutes I heard Maddie's voice coming from her room. I entered and she had a disaster, there was clothes all over the room and she was freaking out.

-"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked avoiding her clothes that were on the floor.

-"I can't find my blue dress, my favorite blue dress." She said looking into the drawers.

-"Oh baby, it was dirty but I just washed it. Let me get it for you." I said and she nodded.

I grabbed it from the dryer and gave it to her.

-"Mommy can you do a braid to me?" She asked and I smiled.

-"Of course hun." I said.

¿My daugther?  |M.Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now