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I woke up really early, took a shower and grabbed some cereal for breakfast. I checked the clock and it was 9:00 o clock, perfect timing. I will be on Selena's apartment in 30 minutes exactly. I took my car keys and did my way to her house.

"I am downstairs." I said and heard her laugh.

"Okay." She said and hung up and I heard that electric noise that indicated that she opened the door.

I ran upstairs and a few seconds later before I knocked, she opened the door and jumped on me. I smiled and kissed her.

"Hallo handsome." She said and I smiled widely.

"Hallo beautiful." I said and she giggled.

"PAPA, PAPA!!" I heard maddie's screaming.

I pulled down and opened my arms for Maddie.

"Where's my little girl?" I asked and she came running.

"Hallo papa." She said and kissed me on the face, literally, everywhere, all over my face.

She's so sweet.

"Did you packed all your stuff?" I asked entering the apartment.

"Put those there please." I heard Sel's voice.

"Yes papa, I even packed Zuzu." She said pointing to the cat's cage and she giggled.

"I see. Well, in your new house, He will have more space to run and he's own backyard. How does that sounds?" I asked and her eyes started glowing.

"I love that!!" She screamed and started playing with the cat again.

I reached Selena and grabbed her by the waist, she jumped a bit and then laughed.

"Everything's ok?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, those are the last boxes." She said pointing to 5 boxes that the guys from the moving company where bringing downstairs.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and she closed her eyes and caressed my hair.

"Are you gonna miss this?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I don't think so." She replied.

"Then why are you so melancholic?" I asked and she hesitate a bit, but then answered.

"This was my first home alone. It's just that." She said turning around and wrapping me on her arms.

God, she's beautiful.

"I am glad you're coming with me." I said and she smiled widely.

"I am too, so is Maddie-

"AND ZUZU!" Maddie screamed to us, lifting the cat.

"And Zuzu." she said, rolling her eyes. I smiled widely and kissed her.


I closed the door behind me and let out a sight. I turned around and found Maddie with a confused look.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked walking towards her and she shook her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I am lost." She said and I laughed.

"Oh mein gott, why?" I asked and lifted her.

"I can't find my room." She whispered.

"Okay, but you've been here for 10 minutes, you don't even know upstairs." I said and she nodded.

¿My daugther?  |M.Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now