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-"The whole country knows you?" She asked him and he nodded.

-"Plus he's a world champion, so he's not only known in Germany, he's also known in other countries around the world." I said.

She looked so impressed and started caressing his hair and he smiled widely.

-"That's why those boys were so shocked today when they saw Manu." I said and she nodded.

-"I understand now." She said and kissed Manu's head.

He was so happy as well. His smile was permanent and he was all blushed, he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

After a few minutes we arrived a pet shot, he helped Maddie to stepped out the car and we entered.

-"We would like to see the cats, please." Maddie asked once she entered to the store and said hi to every person there.

-"Please this way." The lady said.

We arrived what looked like a shed full of animal cages. Maddie freaked out, she wanted all of them.

-"But we came here for a white cat." Manu said trying to calm her down, but she had such an incredible spirit, she wanted to "Save" them all.

-"Honey, just the cat, come on." We said and she nodded sadly.

-"These are the cats." The lady said pointing to the section where the cats were.

Her eyes were glowing, she lifted her arms for Manu to carry her since some of the cages were very high for her little height. She was smiling widely.

-"This one." She said pointing to a gray cat with yellow eyes.

-"No, this one." She said pointing to a beige cat with green eyes.

And she kept like that with at least ten cats more until she saw the one and only.

-"I took it back. This is the one!" She exclaimed happy.

-"Are you sure Maddie?" Manu asked her and she nodded vigorously.

-"Ok we want this one, please." He asked the lady.

She opened the cage and handed the cat to Maddie. She grabbed it between her hands and looked at us with a big smile on her face.

-"It's beautiful mama, look" She said showing me the cat and I nodded smiling.

-"It's beautiful baby" I said and kissed her forehead.


We were on the car and she had the little cat on her lap. She was caressing him.

-"His name will be Zuzu." She said and we laughed.

-"I think that's a perfect name." Manu said.

-"I love Zuzu's eyes. Look one is blue and the other is green." She said looking to the cat's eyes.

-"I agree. I love it." I said and she smiled widely.

We arrived my apartment and she rant o her room. Manu bought her a little sand box and cat food.

-"I think you made a mistake."I said opening the fridge, he laughed.

-"How come?" He asked taking a sit on the table.

-"You promised her buying cat clothes, she's going to ruin your credit cards at the age of 4." I said and he laughed.

-"Oh come on, how much do cat clothes cost?" He asked and I rolled my eyes smiling.

-"Stop spoiling her." I said and he laughed.

-"Ok, maybe you're right. But let me enjoy it." He said grabbing the glass of water I just gave him.

He stared at me and then took a sip of the glass.

-"Do you like living here?" He asked.

-"It's ok I guess." I said while doing the dishes.

-"Does Maddie like?" He asked and I heard him taking another sip of the water.

-"I don't know. We've never talked about this before." I said washing a plate.

-"This is the only place she knows, she's been living here since she was born." I said.

-"Hmm I see." He said and took another sip of water.

A few seconds of awkward silence and then he broke it.

-"Can I say something?" He asked.

-"Sure." I said and kept washing the plates.

-"Would you like to move to a different place?" He asked softly.

I froze and closed the tap. I turned around slowly and face him.

-"What does that mean?" I asked.

-"I mean, a different place. Maybe another neighborhood, a house instead of an apartment. Something bigger and in a quiet place? Outside the city." He said taking another sip of his glass.

I swallowed hard.

-"I don't think so. We're okay here."


-"What are you saying?" I asked.

-"She's gonna grow and she will need more space. Plus, I will be more in peace with myself if she's in a better neighborhood." He said standing from the table.

-"I don't think that-

-"Please. Just think about it. My house is big enough-

Oh my god, he's inviting us to live with him

"And I live alone, and I love spending time with her-

Please don't say and you too

"And you too." He said and I closed my eyes and let out a sight.

-"Sel- He said grabbing my arms- I want you to come and live with me, you and Maddie." He said caressing my cheek.

-"I can take care of both of you, you will be okay with me. I have plenty space on my house and I just want to be with you guys all the time. I am irremediably in love with this family and with you." He said letting out a sight.

I felt my legs shaking and my heart racing, he leaned closer to me but I was froze, I couldn't move and to be honest I didn't wanted too. He closed his beautiful blue eyes and crushed his lips against mine.

In my mind thousands of thoughts popped up but one specific: Love. I felt the love in the air and between our lips, love was floating around and he was giving it to me. I lifted my arms and hugged him, I ran my fingers thru his blonde hair, it was so soft and thin. I understood why Maddie loved playing with it. He smelled so good, like perfume and I felt so secure between his strong arms.

-"MAMA, PAPA!!" We heard Maddie interrupting us and we separated immediately.

She was giggling and Manu and I looked each other and start laughing. He grabbed my hand and smile tenderly. Maddie came to us and Manu lifted her and we hugged each other. I can't believe that after so many years alone, I fell in love one more time with the same person over again. Maybe it was fate and maybe Manu is my true love.

¿My daugther?  |M.Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now