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She walked to the kitchen and clear her throat, Manu turned around and saw her and opened his mouth.

"Oh mein gott, you look beautiful." He said and she giggled.

"Danke." She said and he pulled a chair for her to sit.

He served us the breakfast, he made eggs, pancakes, fruit salad, juice, bacon, and bread. She looked at all the food and opened her mouth. He filled her plate and she started eating.

"Mmm this is delicious." She said and I smiled.

She looked so happy and complete. She often looked at me and then at Manu and laughed. I know that she was thinking but then she got distracted playing and talking with Manu.

"Aren't you gonna eat the bread?" Manu asked and she shook her head.

"Why?" He asked with a puppy face.

"I am full." She said.


"Come on, it's late. Go and get your coat." I said and she went immediately.

"She didn't like it." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"She loved it." I said collecting the plates.

"And why she left food on the plate?" He asked.

"Oh my god Manu, you filled her plate with food, too much food for a small stomach." I said and he started thinking and then nodded.

"I just wanted to give her the first family breakfast." He said looking to his hands.

"I know, and it was perfect. Thank you." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

He looked at me and stayed quiet he was about to touch me but Maddie entered to the kitchen.

"I am ready." She said and I turned to her quickly.

"Perfect." I said and did my way to the living room.


We went downstairs and walked to my car, Maddie screamed.

"YOU HAVE A BLUE CAR." She said.

"I do, do you like it?" I asked and she nodded quickly.

"It's my favorite color." She said and Sel and I laughed.

We entered to the car and I helped with her seatbelt, she was thoughtful.

"This is not the same car we used the other time." She said touching the seats.

"You're right, this is a different one." I said and she looked at Selena.

"Does he have more than one?" She asked to Selena and she looked at me.

"I do, I have three." I said and she shook her head.

"One is enough, why do you need three?" She asked and I realized how right she was.

She has such a pure, humble soul.

"You're right. I don't need three." I said.

"So why do you have three?" She asked again.

"Maddie!" Selena scolded her.

"It's ok – I said placing a hand in her knee, she jumped a bit – Because I like cars sweetie." I said and she nodded.

"I see." She said looking thru the window.

"I would like to have one." She said and I smiled.

"You will, when you're old enough to drive." I said and Selena looked at me with a look of disapproval and I swallowed hard.

"Maybe." I said and she nodded.

"We're here!" Maddie exclaimed.

"Yes we are." I said and we all stepped out the car.

"Can I take you to my classroom? I can't wait for you to meet my friends." She said grabbing my hand trying to push me so hard to go with her.

"Ok fine, let's go." I said walking with her.

She looked so proud of me and my heart was melted already.

"Hallo, this is my dad." She screamed to every person she knows.

"Hallo." I had to say and smiled.

I saw a bunch of kids running towards me.

"It's Neuer, it's Neuer."

"Look it's Neuer"

Most of them boys and Maddie looked a bit angry.

"Stop, this is my dad." She said.

"You're a liar, you don't have a dad."

"Yeah, that's Neuer, he's the goalkeeper of the national team."

"Ja, he can't be your father."

I was so angry, they were being so rude with her, with my daughter.

"That's not true, he's my father!" She screamed at them.

"Sweetie it's ok." I said and leaned to them.

"Hi there folks. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Maddie's father." I said and they all opened their little mouths widely.

She smiled widely.

"Ja! Told you." She said and pushed me away from there.

"Thank you, they always tell me that I don't have a papa." She said a bit sad.

"Well, they won't tell you that again. Because you have a papa now." I said and hugged her.

She smiled widely at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Will you pick me up today?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Of course, I'll be there." I said.

"And mama?" She asked looking to Selena.

"We'll be here honey." She said smiling to her.

"Okay, I love you both." She said and blow kissed for us and entered to her classroom.


Literally died, from all this feels..


¿My daugther?  |M.Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now