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⚠️TW⚠️: Abuse, depression
If any of you are struggling with anything like this or just want to talk, feel free to Text me
And I always recommend the Local help Hotlines.

Y/N’s life had been a tumultuous journey, marked by sorrow and pain. She had grown up in a household marred by the violence of her mother and the indifference of her father. As a child, her father was her solace, the one who protected her from the storm that was her mother. However, when he passed away, her world crumbled.

Her mother’s behavior grew increasingly erratic and abusive after her father’s death. She sought refuge in school, but even there, she was an outcast. It was a lonely existence, one filled with torment both at home and outside. Yet, she held on, hoping for a better future.

When she turned 18, Y/N reached a breaking point. She knew she couldn’t endure the abuse any longer. With a few belongings packed in a small bag, she fled her childhood home in the dead of night. She was homeless for a time, sleeping in parks and alleys, but she was determined to survive and escape the shadow of her past.

At 22, Y/N had come a long way since those bleak nights on the streets. She had found a new family in Emma, a woman who had shown her warmth, kindness, and love when she needed it the most. Emma had pulled her out of the darkness and offered her a home, safety, and a future.

One evening, as Y/N and Emma sat together in their cozy apartment, reminiscing about their time together, the tranquility was shattered by a loud, piercing scream. Y/N’s heart clenched as she recognized that voice. It was her mother, and she had found her.

Rushing to the window, Y/N saw her mother standing at the door, her eyes filled with rage and contempt. „You’re a disgrace!“ her mother shouted, hurling vile insults at Y/N, condemning her for her choices. The memories of her mother’s cruelty came flooding back, and Y/N felt like a vulnerable child once more.

Emma, her fierce protector, held Y/N close, trying to shield her from the emotional storm that raged outside. But her mother was not satisfied with words alone. She pushed her way into the apartment, driven by her anger and prejudice. Y/N’s heart raced, knowing what might come next.

The physical abuse started as her mother’s hands struck Y/N, leaving painful marks and scars that mirrored the emotional ones she had endured for years. Emma couldn’t stand by and watch the woman she loved suffer. Her trembling fingers dialed 911, her voice shaking as she reported the abuse.

The police arrived swiftly, and the officers took control of the situation, ensuring Y/N’s safety. Her mother was arrested for assault, and as they led her away in handcuffs, she continued to spew hateful words and threats.

In the aftermath of the ordeal, Y/N and Emma sat together, both emotionally exhausted but relieved that Y/N’s mother was no longer a threat. Yet, the scars, both physical and emotional, remained.

Flashbacks to her painful past haunted Y/N, and she shared some of her darkest memories with Emma, trusting her with the secrets she had hidden for so long. Emma listened, her heart aching for Y/N and the pain she had endured.

Y/N recounted the times she’d cowered in her room, the sound of her father’s futile pleas for peace ringing in her ears. She spoke of the nights when she’d huddled in the darkness, a trembling child hiding from her mother’s unpredictable wrath. Each memory was a piece of her soul, painful to reveal yet essential to her healing.

As they comforted each other, Emma vowed to help Y/N seek therapy and support to overcome the trauma of her past. Together, they would work through the pain, rebuild Y/N’s sense of self-worth, and strengthen the bond that had brought them together.

In the weeks that followed, Y/N did indeed seek therapy, and with Emma’s unwavering support, she embarked on a difficult but transformative journey towards healing and recovery. She learned to confront the demons of her past, to process her pain, and to rebuild her self-esteem.

Emma was there every step of the way, holding Y/N’s hand, encouraging her through the difficult moments, and celebrating her victories, no matter how small they seemed. Their love became a source of strength for Y/N, a reminder that she was worthy of love and happiness.

As the months passed, Y/N’s wounds began to heal, both physically and emotionally. The scars would always be a part of her, but they no longer defined her. She had found a new family in Emma, one built on love, trust, and understanding. Together, they looked towards a brighter future, a future free from the shadows of the past.

A/N: Wow that was sad… The next one will be happy again
See ya

~Emma Myers~ (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now