On-Scene Kiss

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In the bustling world of Hollywood, Emma and Y/N, a power couple both on and off the screen, found themselves entangled in the complexities of their individual acting careers. Today was different. Emma, with a day off unexpectedly, decided to surprise Y/N, who was still on set miles away.

Carrying a bag of lunch she had hastily bought, Emma arrived at the set with excitement bubbling within her. However, as she approached the scene, her heart sank at the sight before her—Y/N, her love, locked in an intimate kiss with another person. Betrayal cut through Emma like a knife, and she was engulfed in a whirlwind of self-loathing thoughts.

Emma’s heart raced as she approached the film set, a bag of lunch in hand for her surprise visit to Y/N. Anticipation turned to shock, then pain, as she witnessed Y/N sharing an intimate kiss with another woman. The world seemed to pause around Emma as a flood of emotions overwhelmed her.

A knot tightened in her stomach, and her hands clenched involuntarily. Betrayal etched itself across Emma’s face, and a whirlwind of self-doubt and hurt engulfed her. For a moment, she questioned everything, feeling a profound ache in her chest. The person she loved, seemingly lost in the arms of another, shattered the trust Emma held so dearly.

The director’s call of „cut“ acted as a lifeline, snapping Emma out of her trance. Confusion wrestled with the pain on her face as she registered the film crew and cameras around Y/N. The scripted nature of the kiss brought a wave of relief, but the hurt lingered, morphing into a simmering jealousy she struggled to shake off.

Emma’s eyes, once filled with betrayal, now flickered with a tinge of resentment as Y/N, unaware of the turmoil, joyfully rushed towards her. Y/N‘s expression was a mix of surprise and delight. „Emma! What are you doing here?“ she exclaimed, rushing towards her. A small, forced giggle escaped Emma’s lips at Y/N’s adorable excitement.

Emma forced a smile, though the remnants of hurt lingered in her eyes. „Surprise. I thought I’d drop by with lunch. Got a day off,“ she said, holding up the bag of food.

Y/N’s face lit up, momentarily forgetting the recent scene. „That’s amazing! You didn’t have to, but I’m so glad you did,“ she said, pulling Emma into a quick hug. Yet, still nursing a trace of frustration, Emma subtly shifted away when Y/N went in for a kiss, redirecting it to her cheek.

As they separated, Emma’s eyes inadvertently flickered toward the set, the image of Y/N kissing her co-star still haunting her. Y/N noticed the shift in Emma’s demeanor. „Hey, what’s wrong?“ she asked, concern creasing her forehead.

„Nothing“ Emma said with a forced smile. Y/N, perplexed, probed Emma about the unusual behavior. Emma, attempting to downplay her emotions, dismissed it casually, claiming nothing was amiss. The tension lingered until Y/N, sensing something deeper, took charge, dragging Emma behind a trailer for a more private conversation.

Behind the trailer, the air was charged with unspoken tension as Y/N eyed Emma with a mixture of concern and curiosity. „Emma, what’s going on?“ she asked, a furrow forming between her brows.

Emma hesitated for a moment, her gaze avoiding Y/N’s, before finally letting out a sigh. „I just… I didn’t expect to see you kissing someone else, even if it’s just acting. It messed with my head, Y/N,“ she admitted, vulnerability seeping into her voice.

Y/N’s expression softened, realizing the impact of the on-screen kiss on Emma. „Oh, Emma,“ she said, gently reaching for Emma’s hand, „It’s just acting. It doesn’t change how I feel about you.“

Emma’s shoulders relaxed a fraction, but a shadow of jealousy lingered. „I know, but I’ve been working all day miles away, and she gets to kiss you as part of her job. It’s not fair,“ she confessed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

Y/N chuckled, her thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of Emma’s hand. „Em, it’s not as glamorous as it seems. It’s work, just like any other job. You’re the one I love, not my on-screen partner,“ she reassured, her eyes searching Emma’s for understanding.

Emma nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. „I know, it’s just… I couldn’t help feeling this twinge of jealousy,“ she admitted, a hint of self-awareness in her eyes.

Y/N leaned in, capturing Emma’s gaze. „Hey, jealousy is a small price to pay for being with a talented actress like you,“ she teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

Emma chuckled, the tension finally breaking. „I guess so. But next time, warn me if you’re going to have a steamy scene,“ she joked, playfully nudging Y/N.

Y/N grinned, pulling Emma into a warm embrace. „Deal. And for the record, I’d choose you over any on-screen kiss, no matter how easy it seems,“ she whispered, her lips brushing against Emma’s ear.

Emma couldn’t help but smile, the reassurance sinking in. As they stood behind the trailer, wrapped in each other’s arms, the transient shadows of doubt and jealousy melted away, leaving only the enduring warmth of their love.

Y/N, with a soft smile, reached out and cupped Emma’s face gently, reassuring her with the words, „I’m yours.“

A/N: This one was requested, hope it's to your liking…
See ya

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