Time pt. 2

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The night felt like an eternity for Emma as she waited on the sofa, the restless hours ticking by, amplifying her anxiety. Sleep eluded her, replaced by the relentless worry for Y/N’s well-being. Every creak in the apartment stirred false hope, only to be met with disappointment.

When the door finally opened, revealing Y/N’s silhouette, a strange mixture of relief and trepidation washed over Emma. The bags under her eyes were testament to the sleepless night spent pacing, questioning, and reflecting on the turbulent state of their relationship.

Emma’s heart fluttered with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. As Y/N entered, a whirlwind of emotions danced across Emma’s face – concern, love, remorse. She stood, as if ready to bridge the gap that had grown between them overnight, yet held back by the heaviness of unspoken words.

Y/N, her expression unreadable, moved past Emma, casting a discerning glance that only fueled Emma’s unease. The apartment, bathed in the early morning light, felt like a battleground for emotions left unaddressed.

The apartment was cloaked in an uneasy silence when Y/N returned early in the morning, her steps heavy with the weight of the unresolved argument from the night before. Emma had been pacing anxiously, her worry intensifying with every passing minute that her girlfriend didn’t return.

As Y/N entered, Emma’s heart skipped a beat, a mix of relief and apprehension coursing through her. She wanted to rush forward, pull Y/N into a comforting embrace, but the tension in the air restrained her. Y/N, expression stern and eyes avoiding Emma’s gaze, moved past her without a word.

„Y/N,“ Emma called out, desperation lacing her voice. „Please, we need to talk.“

Y/N sighed but followed her into the living room, so they had room to talk. The atmosphere was thick with unresolved emotions as they sat on opposite ends of the sofa, the silence echoing the distance that had grown between them.

Emma took a deep breath, her voice earnest as she spoke, „I’m sorry, Y/N. I know I’ve been neglecting us, and I hate that it’s come to this. I love you, and I don’t want us to fall apart.“

Y/N remained stoic, her eyes fixed on a point in the room. „Emma, saying sorry won’t fix everything. You promise you’ll take a month off, but what’s the point? You’ll go back to the craziness afterward, and we’ll be back to square one.“

Emma’s eyes pleaded for understanding. „I need you to believe me, Y/N. I can’t change the nature of my job overnight, but I promise I’ll find a way to balance things. I want to be there for you.“

Y/N’s frustration spilled out, „And what about when the next big project comes along? Will you disappear again? I can’t keep feeling like I’m not a priority in your life.“

Emma sighed, realizing the depth of Y/N’s hurt. „I get it, Y/N. I truly do. I’m not asking you to forget what happened, but give me a chance to make it right. Let me prove that you’re more than just a passing thought in my life.“

After a tense pause, Y/N reluctantly nodded. „Fine, Emma. But actions speak louder than words. I’m not going to wait around for you to figure things out. You need to show me you mean it.“

Emma nodded, determination in her eyes, as Y/N prepared to leave for work, a part of Emma yearned for the familiar goodbye kiss, a reassurance that everything would be okay. She reached out, her hand gently grazing Y/N’s arm, silently pleading for a connection that had become customary.

Y/N, however, seemed resolute. She avoided Emma’s eyes and tactfully withdrew her arm, leaving Emma’s hand hanging mid-air. The unspoken message resonated through the room – the usual gestures of affection were suspended in the wake of their unresolved issues.

Emma swallowed the lump in her throat, acknowledging the consequence of her actions. The door closed behind Y/N, sealing the quiet apartment in a lonely echo, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts and the realization that saving their relationship required more than promises – it demanded a genuine effort to change.

A/N: Here's pt. 2, I didn't know exactly what to write so it's short
See ya

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