Meet me at our spot

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⚠️TW⚠️: Death

In the heart of a lush forest, there lay a small clearing by a tranquil lake. It was their spot, a place where Y/N and Emma had shared countless moments of laughter and love. The whispers of the trees and the gentle lapping of the water had borne witness to their connection. But now, this sacred place held only memories, and Emma stood there, tears glistening in her eyes.

The clearing was bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, casting long, melancholic shadows. A place that had once been filled with their laughter, now echoed with the silence of a love lost.

It had been a year since Y/N had passed away, a sudden and cruel twist of fate. Emma’s heart was heavy with grief, and it had been difficult for her to come back to their spot. Yet, today, something drew her here, as if Y/N’s spirit had beckoned her.

As she stood by the water’s edge, Emma closed her eyes, and a rush of memories washed over her. She remembered the first time they had come here, hand in hand, their hearts filled with a love that would never end.

They had watched the stars reflect in the still waters, their fingers entwined as they spoke about their dreams. Y/N had whispered, „This is our spot, Em. No matter where life takes us, this is where we’ll meet.“

Tears spilled from Emma’s eyes as she opened them, staring out at the serene lake. She wished she could turn back time, return to those moments of happiness, and hold on to Y/N forever.

Over the next hour, she walked the familiar paths, revisiting the places where they had shared secrets and built a world together. Each step was heavy with the weight of loss, but also brimming with the bittersweet joy of the love they had shared.

At their spot, Emma finally sat down, tracing the soft grass with her fingers. She imagined Y/N’s presence beside her, the way she would have looked with the sunlight dancing in her hair. She closed her eyes and let the memories transport her.

They had celebrated anniversaries in this clearing, sharing intimate picnics under the shade of tall oaks. Y/N had a talent for making their meals an adventure, a feast of love. Emma could almost hear her laughter, infectious and beautiful.

She felt the warmth of Y/N’s embrace and remembered how she used to draw her close when the world seemed overwhelming. Her touch had been like a soothing balm to Emma’s soul.

Emma whispered into the quiet space, „I miss you, Y/N. I wish you were here with me.“

As the evening shadows deepened, she heard a faint rustling in the trees. It was as if the forest was trying to communicate, to tell her that Y/N was never truly gone.

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair, and Emma felt a kiss on her cheek, a loving touch that told her Y/N was still with her in spirit. The bond they shared transcended the boundaries of life and death, and in this sacred place, she found solace.

The forest, their spot, held the echoes of their love story, a story that would never fade away. As Emma left the clearing, her heart was heavy, but it was also full of gratitude for the love they had shared, even if it had been cut short.

She knew that, even without Y/N physically by her side, their spot would forever be a place of solace, a place where they could meet in their memories, in the rustling leaves, and in the soft caress of the wind. Emma would carry their love with her, always, as she ventured into a world forever changed by the love they had known together.

A/N: This chapter is Inspired by the song 'Meet me at our spot'
See ya

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