Date Night

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They returned from their Australian excursion in the middle of the afternoon on Friday. The two had settled on Saturday evening. Hunter would pick her up himself from her apartment about mid-afternoon so he had plenty of time to cook everything. Yes, he was going to cook dinner. With his kitchen, she had no doubt that he was going to be able to make something amazing.

All the fly time and the time changes took their toll on them. Hunter was keeping his eyes awake with his own pot of coffee in his office. He finished his first pot in under two hours before swapping out for another. Pretty sure he was chewing on just some uncrushed beans in between cups.

Hanson kept his composure in the face of sleep deprivation. His shoulders back, his form firm, even with the bags under his eyes. He was making his way around the office making sure that all the needs of their people were met. They were still dealing with the fallout of The Puppeteer coming back. A lot of people had some questions plus some demands. Nothing outrageous, just hazard pay. Even with the want to sleep, Juliet was giddy. She was hopping around the office as she was getting things done. It attracted some attention. Adam gave her as much crap for it as he could. It struck him as really odd that she didn't react to it.

Hunter seemed to disappear for some of the day. She checked his office a few times within an hour only to find it empty. Where could he have gone?

To the third-floor meeting room, that's where. He was present at the time for the service pitch for the investigation services. This was a company that knew and understood the type of work they had done. They knew about Don DeLeone and their role in his downfall already. This was part of their precheck. Once it was better explained what they were looking for, they quickly were able to come to a solid agreement. The hard part was coming up with a game plan. They explained their standard procedure but this wasn't going to be standard. They had to work with a lot of people and comb through everyone looking at the finest details.

The meeting let out just before 3 p.m. It was late enough in the day that they weren't able to get much more done. It became a "go home early if you want" kind of day. A few people took it as they finished up for the day. Hanson kept to his post until it was his time to head out. He was always one to make sure his time was fully utilized even if he did just spend the last two days flying and working in the field.

Hunter had a lot of the same mentality but he was always the last one to leave. Hanson offered Juliet a ride home but she refused. She was catching up on the things they missed while they were out. Or so she told him. She knew once Hanson was gone that the floor would be empty. Her boss's door was open with the light on still. He was typing away on his computer focused on something important. Her knock on the door was enough to pull him away from it at least for a few moments.

"Come in." He let her know that he was available. She took a chair located near the far corner of the desk taking her time while he finished his thought. He tapped away at the keys before coming to a pause. He seemed stuck enough to just let it go for now. "Good enough. What can I help you with, Juliet?" She sat herself up, "Two things. First, can I get a ride home tonight? Hanson already left."

"I can do that. And the second?"

"Should I bring anything tomorrow?"

"Just yourself."

"Any special attire?"

"Just be comfortable."

She was hoping for more of an answer than that. She also kind of expected it. He was easygoing when it came to his personal life so to invite someone over would be a casual affair for him. She wasn't coming over as a coworker or in a professional manner. This was them going to enjoy a night as a couple.

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