A Contract of a Lifetime

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Hunter's return to the office after a week was overshadowed by Juliet's. And rightfully so. As the power of the Djinn diminished, more and more people began to realize what was going on. Once she had returned, the office just felt better. Everyone was smiling again with less stress. Juliet became a star around the staff. They had heard about what had happened. She managed to escape to an office where she could get away from people for a while. Her face was red from all the attention but she couldn't stop smiling.

She had her face cupped in her hands as she squealed to herself. "You seem rather chipper this morning." A voice broke through bringing her back. Her face only got more red as her boss was sitting at his desk watching her. He looked... more professional than usual. He typically wore single-colored shirts that were just plain. He mixed it up today with a button-up shirt of eggshell blue with... black slacks? He really was dressed for success. She quickly brushed off her shirt in an attempt to straighten herself up. "You look... professional today."

"Investors meeting this morning at 10. You look ready to be back at work."

He was referring to the fact that she also was wearing more than what she normally does. A professional suit jacket with a matching pinstripe skirt that went to her shins with correctly colored flats. "I wanted to make a good impression on my first day back."

"Really? Well, that works. I have a few people who have been wanting to meet some of my field agents. Since you are dressed the part, you can join in on the meeting if you wish. The choice is yours."

"A room full of suits? That's not really my environment."

"Mine neither, but I have to put on this show so they see their money is working."

She got roped into it. And it was one of the most boring meetings that she ever had to sit through. Hanson was polite and sat in the back with her. Adam was off running errands to keep him away from these people. He was a good kid but still needed to learn some tact in the business world. They ran over charts, numbers, some specific cases, and wrapped up with Hunter asking Hanson and Juliet to stand to introduce them as part of his field team. They got a small applause at the end as everyone grabbed the papers that were given to them before everything began. It was a good mix of people. Some old, some young, male, female, human, and not. They were shuffled out of the room and escorted to the main lobby. Except one. As the others left she was the last one to leave.

Hunter slammed his arm on the wall blocking her path. He shut the door with Hanson and Juliet inside. Juliet almost lost her mind that he would treat someone like her like he just was. Even though his voice was stern he still kept an air of professionalism, "Please, have a seat." The woman hesitated but she followed orders. Hunter took the seat by the door, "How did you get in here?" The woman smiled, throwing Juliet off even more. Her voice resonated in the room with the power of angels with a tone so soft it would melt the heart of anyone, "You are as good as I've been told." She reached across the table grabbing his hands. The waterworks began as she pleaded, "You have to help me. My son was kidnapped and I'm afraid of what they'll do to him."

"Hanson, start taking notes. Who took your son?"

"A group of hunters. They hunt rare species for sport on private land."

"Do you know where they went?"

"There's an area in Virginia where they have a cabin near the mountains. Blacksburg is the closest town."

"Why not go through the normal channels to have a contract issued?"

"There are not a lot of people my kind can trust. You came into contact with my mother years ago and left a lasting impression on her. I know I can trust you and your people."

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