The cruise ship and it's wonders.

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"I can get used to this length..I think.."
She said to herself. Checking over herself in the mirror for the upteenth time, her now short hair bouncing. The last time her hair was this short is when she was around 15. A little bit before her life became a blur until she barely turned 21, only then she felt like she was starting to live again, not just existing, being in survival mode 24/7.

Deciding that she looked fancy enough, she double checked the contents of her huge suitcase, even though they will only be gone for a week at least, maybe a bit more. But fashion was her life, and just because it's literally going to be an annihilation tournament, she refused to die looking raggedy.

Then it was time to go. Her, her dad and Takakaze was heading off to the dockyard, because apparently, they were going to travel to Ganryu Island via cruise ship.

"I'm hoping I wont get sick and throw up. Motion sickness is a bitch and I have a phobia of throwing up. Love this combination." She grumbled, laying back in the car seat, crossing her arms. Takakaze just chuckled at her pouting self.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Nova." He smiled reassuringly, handing her the special invitations, which she took to get her mind off of her thoughts.
She squinted her eyes a little while reading, her dyslexia making her a bit irritated, but a piece of paper isn't going to get the better of her, so she mentally fought against the letters and the headache, while Takakaze continued talking.

"These special invitations were only sent out to the highest ranking corporations entering the tournament, only 28 being the exact number. Although 151 corporations entered, so I have no clue about how they will get into the tournament. Us, with these, we can board the S.S Kengan cruise ship. Regarding the tournament, we decided that you will be the main fighter, and Kuroki will be the substitute of yours."

This immediately caught her attention, almost ripping the papers apart in shock. She quickly handed them back to Takakaze, who almost had a stroke, hugging the papers close to his chest in distress.
Looking at her dad in disbelief, she whined a little.

"Again, who is 'we'!? I'm just hearing about this! And why?"

Her dad already expecting this, was ready to explain it to her.

"Consider this as your official test. That you can be the next rightful heir of the Kaiwan-style. You have only fought against me most of the time, meaning this could also be an opportunity for you to discover yourself fully. I believe in you and your power."
He said with his usual monotone voice, although the voice of a proud father laced in it, only his old friend noticing it.

Maybe she can unleash whatever she was hiding, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
She blinked twice, looking at her father in suspicion.

"Yeah, sure, okay. But if that is true...then why be my substitute?" Her curiosity was evident, her eyes scanning his face, looking for answers. She caught it when his eyes darted to his friend, even just for a second. The intense eye contact between father and daughter was felt even by the driver, making him shiver.

"Because neither of us know your fullest potential. The limit of your powers are unknown. This is just for precautions, in case something happens, I could take you over."

This seemed to shock her a little, her ego puffing at the side of her chest, begging to be let out for being bruised like that.

"In case I die or something?" She asked with an aggravated scoff. He expected this.

"No, in case you lose your grip on reality. So if I notice you being just a little bit off the hinges, or slowly going off the rails, you will be taken out of the tournament immediately."

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