Victory & Deathstares.

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Tui felt it.
It felt the sorrow and hopelessness of the girl, how scared she was for her loved one.
It felt the need to take over her, and help her.
It happened subconsciously, it wasn't Nova who brought it forth, accidentally unlocking something so powerful, heightening her sense of emotions even more, paired with also heightened speed and reaction time.

She couldn't give zero fucks about this tournament. She never wanted to participate in the first place, so getting disqualified for getting in between that sick fuck and her dearest friend, did not phase her in the slightest.

Dashing through the arena halls, eyes and hair furiously glowing as angry tears streamed down her reasonably straight face, gritting her teeth as the seconds kept passing by, catching a glimpse of some of the monitors through her way.


She heard Sayaka's voice escaping through the monitors, Nova letting out a low growl as she ran even faster, others could only see a blur of something bright as she passed by them with inhumane speed.

Cosmo leans on his other leg for support, holding his injured one as his breathing staggers, half eye almost closed as the pain surged through his body, staring up at Akoya's bloodied face.

"You're bleeding a lot. Make it stop. I won't allow you to die just yet...justice has a reason for its methods. By fighting me, you'll learn that first hand." Akoya spoke down at him, tone flat and taunting.

"Damn it! That cop is completely off his rockers and Nova just went off to jump right in between them! We should have stopped her!" Adam exclaimed in fury.
Akira gritted his teeth as his breathing became ragged, shaking his head as he watched the horrors unfold down there.

"No..something completely changed within her, it was the right call to let her go..Stay calm Cos, don't let him provoke you!"

Akira thought, his eyes widening as he glanced at the blond, absolutely shaking in terror as he held himself. His eyes were wide, teeth chattering from the aura that transcended between life and death, his survival instinct telling him to run away immediately. It was a familiar feeling, like the one he felt that night on the voyage, though his best friend being such a horrifying murderer controlled by an evil spirit was more terrifying ...but facing that similar deadly terror head on is still something he was never prepared for.
As he was approached, he instinctively started taking a few steps back, his heart almost bursting in his chest as he threw warning punches, all of them being evaded as Akoya ducked around them, suddenly grabbing one of his hand, and throwing him on the ground.
He straddled him, holding both his wrists in the air.

"Now allow me to show you what justice is." He spoke again, voice deep, taunting as he looked down on Cosmo.

His breath kept staggering in his chest, complete hopelessness consuming him as he was ready to utter out the sentence to forfeit, but was shut up by Akoya's forearm in his face, cutting him off from doing so. He struggled under him, his words getting muffled as he flailed around, trying his best to get out from under him.
Akoya raised a hand, sticking out his thumb, and forcefully jabbing it into Cosmo's side, right through his serratus anterior, aka side muscles, into his ribcage.
His screams muffled into his arm, tears pricking his eyes as the horrendous pain shot through him, helpless...but he wasn't the only one.

"NOOOOOO!!" Nova let out a scream from the absolute bottom of her heart, as she was pinned down to the ground by none other than her father, her limbs hardly being held together by Inaba's hair.
They both struggled to hold her down, apprehended face down, arms behind her back just like when you get taken down by police ironic.
It took less than 0.001 seconds for her father to catch her off guard at one of the hallways that separated in three directions, Kuroki caught her arm, and immediately pinned her daughter to the ground. Inaba stepped in a second later, tying her limbs together, to further make sure there was no chance of her escaping. Inaba felt the strands of his hair snapping one by one slowly, but surely when she let out a scream, closer to screeching than an actual scream, her emotions whirling in her whole being. That scream turned into frustrated tears as her head layed sideways, having a full view of one of the monitors in the hall.

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