dad in charge

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ella: age 5
new york, new york

i'm getting ella up, dressed, and to school today by myself as taylor is in la for an event overnight. i also have get a newborn up and and fed and changed before we leave. i decide to start with ella and help her get dressed

i go into her room and wake her up.

"daddy no." she whines into her pillow.

"c'mon el you gotta wake up." i say and pick her up and stand her on her fluffy rug. taylor is usually a lot more soothing about this and lets her take her time, but i know we'll be running late if i do that.

"let go pick what to wear." i say and we go over to her closet. she wears a uniform everyday so there's no too much to pick from but it works.

we pick a navy blue jumper and her white polo to go underneath and a pair of golden goose for shoes.

"ok you go brush your hair and teeth while i get rylee and meet me downstairs for breakfast and i'll do your hair." i explain and she skips off to the bathroom. once your a dad to a little girl you learn how to do a few hairstyles.

i get rylee up as i'll feed her when ella eats cause we can't wait till we come back here after dropping her off at school for rylee to eat breakfast.

rylee and i go downstairs and i start making ella's lunch. pb&j, fruit, veggies, some fruit snacks, goldfish, and i throw a cookie in there. she won't eat near all this but she likes variety.

after i get that all ready all comes downstairs and i pour her some cereal as i'm not about to start cooking.

ella eats and i put rylee in a basonate that i brought in from the living room and do ella's hair. just a ponytail to keep it out of her face

i decide that we have the driver drive us to the school as it would be too difficult since i have rylee and everything and he can just pull up in front of the school so that's what we do. we pull up in front of the school and we get out so i can walk her in. she's still new to kindergarten and all kindergartners need to be walked to their class. i'm holding rylee's car seat in one hand and ella's holding my other hand as we walk through the halls

"bye daddy!" ella exclaims once we reach her class

"bye el love you." i say

"love you." she says and gives me a quick hug and skips off to her friends

rylee and i get back home and i i change her and feed her and put her down for a nap while i workout for a little over an hour.

i go take a shower and once i'm done rylee is up and is ready for a another feeding.

at around noon i see taylor is calling me


just as im about to get on my plane to go home after my event in la i see ella's school is calling me. oh god. i fear the worst immediately. is she sick? is she hurt? something happened in class?

"hello?" i answer the phone

"hi is this mrs kelce?" i hear a voice through the other end

"yes it is." i confirm

"ok, this is mrs johnson down on at trinity prep." crap it's ella's principal. "i just wanted to reach out as one of the lunch monitors noticed that your daughter ella has peanut butter and jelly in her lunch today and i don't know if you were informed or no but we have strict no peanut butter rule that is out in place for the safety of other children, so we had to confiscate the sandwich unfortunately but i just wanted to touch base about it before your child got home today." she explains. is this what happens when i'm not home? travis almost poisons ella's classmates?

"oh my god i am so sorry. i'm not in town right now so my husband packed that. i'll make sure he doesn't do it again." i say

"it's really okay. not a big deal at all. i just wanted you to know." she says

"ok thanks for reaching out. i'll call my husband." i say and she thanks me for my time and we hang up.

"what the fuck." i mutter to myself at what just happened. is this seriously what my first school call is?

i pull up travis' number quickly

"hey babe." he picks up quickly

"so i just got off the phone with the school." i say

"is ella sick? is she in trouble?" he asks

"ella's not in trouble. you are." i state

"what? how could i get in trouble with the school?" he asks confused

"trav. you can't pack a child peanut butter for lunch." i state

"who the fuck made up that rule?" he asks defensively

"travis. you can't do that." i explain with a sigh

"i just don't understand why i can't give my child peanut butter." travis says

"because kids have allergies." i state frustrated

"i guess she won't be getting peanut butter." he sighs

"ok, anyways, how are the girls?" i ask

"good, ry is napping now and ella is not getting viable protein in her diet." he says making me laugh

"i'm just glad they're still breathing." i half joke

"me too." travis sighs making me laugh "i miss you tay." he says

"i miss you too trav." i say sincerely. i sound pathetic but i feel lost when i don't have him by my side or close by. i can't wait to get home and snuggle my babies.

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