new school

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age: 14
nashville, tennessee

we just moved to nashville about a month ago and it's been kind of a hard adjustment. i mean i loved new york and sad when i was told our new "home base" was going to be nashville. my mom told me how it's a lot safer and better place for us to grow up, but new york was home. i miss all my friends and everyone.

it's nice that we're by my grandparents now and the house is a lot bigger than the penthouse. i mean the penthouse was big but it's nice to mainly live in house and have my own space that's much bigger. mom and dad decided to buy a new house here to have a fresh start and to get a bigger one since we'll be here more often.

my sister rylee who's 9 wasn't happy about the move either because she was also sad about her friends but gavin who's 6 and charlotte who's 2 didn't really have a preference about the move.

i've made some friends, but not many at the new school. i'm just glad i have people i can have lunch with, but there's not much more than that. i don't have people i can hang out with on the weekends or anything where in new york i did. a lot of people are nice to me because they obviously know what my home life is and they constantly ask about my mom or dad. but the worst is a group of girls who are just flat out mean to me. they make jokes about money and the things i have and say i'm a spoiled brat. it's like constant and so annoying.

i'm laying in bed right now refusing to get up and go to that awful school. my parents were between 3 private schools here in nashville and i honestly think they picked the worst one.

"ella c'mon you need to get up." my mom comes into my room.

"i think i'm sick." i say under the covers

"babe, no you're not. c'mon school is important." she says and whips open the curtains making the sun shine through and i bury deeper into my bed.

"mom stop." i groan.

"let's go. you got 45 minutes." she says i hear her leave the room.

a couple minutes later i reluctantly get up and get ready for school. i just wear black lululemon leggings, the grey school skirt that roll so it sits at my fingertips, a school hoodie and i wear ugg slippers. i brush out my bright blonde hair and put my makeup on. at least i look good.

i go downstairs and see my parents, rylee and luca eating breakfast. charlotte is still sleeping.

"hey sweetie, i made your favorite pancakes." my mom says

"um im not hungry." i explain as i put my macbook in my bookbag.

"you gotta eat something." my dad says

"i'll be fine... i gotta go." i mumble and grab my bag and leave the kitchen

"ella wait." i hear my mom behind me


"so i was thinking that you and me could get dinner tonight and leave dad with the kids." she suggests making me smile. we rarely get to hang out just us two anymore, so i'm excited

"ok yeah." i smile

"ok bye baby." she says and takes my head and kisses it

"bye." i say and leave and go out to the driveway where steve, the driver, is waiting for me by one of the range rovers

he drives me to school and drops me off.

i go to my classes as usual. im doing really well in my classes so at least i have the going for me. i sit in the back of most my classes, keep my airpods in, and just do my work. i mean it's not like i have any friends to talk to. the other students talk to me but it's just the same things, only about my parents. it's like they don't even care to get to know me for me, just using me i guess. last week, we had to pick partners for a paired history paper. people were asking to be my partner but then they would just be like can we do it at your house and stuff like that. i just did it with a girl i eat lunch with and said we can meet at the library. another thing is my mom doesn't really like when i being completely new people over to the house. it's just a security thing.

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