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ella: age 5
rylee: age 0
new york, new york

we're taking the girls to their doctor's appointments today. we just scheduled them on the same day just to make it easy. ella has her annual appointment and rylee just has her six month checkup. they only downside is that they both have to get shots which won't be fun for anyone. travis and i are both going because it would be too much if only one of us went.

we're getting the girls dressed and ready to go.

"ok ella, they're gonna give you a shot today, but it's only going to be a tiny pinch like this." i say and grab a small part of the skin on her arm

"did that hurt?" i ask and she shakes her head

"see? you're gonna be so brave." i say and kiss her head. i can tell she's a little nervous but i know she'll be fine. it's cold out so she's in black leggings and a light pink hoodie and her black winter coat. i put her hair in dutch braids and a pair of white sneakers on her feet.

"wanna go help daddy dress rylee?" i ask

"yes!" she says and jumps up and runs out of the room. she's been doing a lot better with rylee and everything. at first, there was a jealousy type thing going on but now she's obsessed with her.

i go into my bedroom and grab all the paperwork needed for rylee for the appointment. ella is already in the system so she doesn't need anything. i also touch up my hair and makeup to make myself look a tad more presentable.

i go downstairs and find travis with the girls getting ella a snack.

"you guys ready?" i ask

"yeah i'll just pack these for the car." travis says and put some apple slices in a bag.

we're not taking security with us, but we're only going into a doctors office so we'll be fine. we take the range rover so travis gets in the drivers seat while i put rylee in her seat and ella can buckle herself in and then i hop in. it's about a hour drive to the office because we don't go to one in the city cause it's too busy so we go to one in jersey.

ella watches a movie from the tvs on the back of the head rests and rylee falls asleep.

travis keeps his hand on my leg the whole drive. he starts to move his hand a little too high making me swat it away "don't you dare do that now."

"i know you like that." he whispers to me

"not while our daughters are in the car." i whisper back to him and he has a big grin on his face.

"admit it." he says quietly

"what?" i question

"admit that you like when i touch you." he says

"travis micheal. i need you to shut that mouth of yours." i state sternly and he just sits there and smiles

a while later we arrive at the doctor's and get the girls signed in. they put us in one room just to make it easier.

they both do really well with their checkups and are both super healthy thank god. the nurse tells us she'll be right back to give the girls their shots and i see ella starts to get really nervous.

"ella it's going to be fine." i tell her

"can rylee go first?" she asks me

"yeah if that'll make you feel better."

the nurse comes back in with her things and we tell her to do rylee first. i hold rylee in my lap while the nurse does it and ella is clung to travis not letting go.

rylee needs three shots and after the first one she is screaming crying and it just continues through the next two.

"aw my poor baby." i coo to her and try to calm her down which takes a bit

"ok miss ella you're turn." the nurse says after rylee calms down

"no, no, no daddy i don't want to." ella says terrified and climbs onto travis' lap as he holds her

"you'll be fine princess, it's super quick." he says as she hides herself on him

"no rylee got hurt." she almost sobs

"no she's fine, she just got scared but you're such a big girl." he explains to her and tries to pull her off of him. i feel so terrible for ella, she's so scared. i probably should've saw this coming and not had rylee go first.

"sweetie, can you hop down and let the nice nurse do her job?" i say and grab onto her little leg

"no it's gonna hurt." she whimpers

"ella if i hold you will that make it better?" travis asks and ella slowly nods.

"does she have to turn around?" i ask looking up at the nurse

"oh no she's totally fine like that." she says smiling

"so ella what's your favorite color?" the nurse asks as she preps her arm and ella doesn't respond

"el tell her how you like pink." travis says and i adjust rylee in my arms as she starts to squirm but ella keeps her face hidden in his chest.

"you like pink? that's my favorite too!" the nurse says trying to distract ella. she continues to talk to ella as she puts the needle in and ella barely notices

"see all done!" the nurse says and ella looks up confused

"you did it?" she question and the nurse smiles

"yep, see? it didn't even hurt and now you get a nice band aid and lollipop." the nurse says as ella cuddles more into travis just being shy. travis takes the lollipop to give to ella later as the nurse puts the bandaid on her.

after we leave, travis suggested we take ella to get ice cream, but i know that he only suggested it so he can have ice cream. honestly, i married a kid but he's my kid.

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