Chapter 1

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“Okay, that’s a wrap. Everyone, thank you for your hard work!” the director shouted once and the crew returned the greetings with smiles on their faces, despite being late at night.

It has been a while since they finished early for an outdoor commercial shoot, usually it would take nonstop and consecutive days to wrap things up but it’s a good thing that they can go home early in this cold winter night.

Satoru greeted and thanked everyone before heading out. It’s almost midnight and he suddenly felt like walking around this late, maybe he’d find something sweet along the way that he hasn’t tried yet. Companies and shops are mostly closed for the night, so it would be rare to stumble upon fans.
He texted Shouko– his manager.
Satoru: I’m heading out, gonna check out some souvenirs. Leave a car for me, you go home.

Shouko: Wear a mask and don’t stay out late, you know what happened last time.

Satoru: Yes boss, I’ll be careful.
He slipped his phone back to his pocket. Satoru and Shouko knew each other for so long, they are friends, classmates, coworkers, and business partners. As a friend and his manager, Shouko tends to be really worried when Satoru goes out on his own. He’s a grown man, over 6 feet tall, and can bench twice or even thrice his weight. But that doesn’t erase the possibilities that he could be harassed by some fans or worse, obsessed psychopaths.

Gojo Satoru is beautiful, unmistakably gorgeous with his pretty face, ocean blue eyes, tall build, and he’s a talented celebrity. Satoru is a bit self-centered, cocky bastard, and somewhat narcissistic but that’s okay, he has a face pass and provides extreme fan service anyway.

Being a popular celebrity since young like Satoru has its pros and cons. Satoru is already rich from when he was born, he came from a family of elites which is why they have high expectations of him. But that doesn’t stop Satoru to receive offers left and right, projects from local to international, while gaining fans from all over the world. Everything he wears, promotes, or does goes viral, resulting to constant “sold out” businesses due to his impact and popularity. One of the major drawbacks is the unavailability of the things that he wants for himself, because it was always out-of-stock. That’s when Satoru resorted to gatekeep the brands and things that he likes, so he could buy it anytime he wants. There are also these events and conference he needed to attend to, that it exhausts him just as much. He can barely have time to go on vacation or even rest, sleeping for 6 hours a day feels luxury being the Gojo Satoru. This is why his mansion is his favorite place on Earth.

Despite all that, Satoru can’t live normally on what he thinks what is normal. There is one thing that he wanted to do in his life but the universe wouldn’t allow him to, and it’s the freedom to go whenever or wherever he wants without being mobbed. Going out on his own as popular as Satoru feels like going on an extreme wild adventure that he had to be alert at all times, worried that someone might attack him. He can’t even stay for a minute in one of his favorite crepe shops, without fans and strangers invading his privacy. Asking him for photos, autographs, mobbing him to an extent, and worse kidnapping him.

He just wanted to have a day in his life where he can walk around freely like this, and have a peaceful time alone or maybe with his friends in the future.

Friends? Oh, right. Satoru barely have friends that he can call one, he always have Shouko since gradeschool but that’s it. He has celebrity friends, but it was more like a friendship that was formed because there is business or work involved. He really can’t call them friends that he can rely on, just like Shouko. There are instances that no one wants to befriend him because he is their rival actor, he’s a superstar, and the highest paid celebrity. He’s too far to reach, afraid that they will just be ignored by the Gojo Satoru. Satoru don’t want to make friends himself either because of his status, he’s really picky with who he trusts considering some people has sick intentions.
Satoru’s eyes wondered on the street where there are shops who still had their lights on. It was great because no one was around, he can go window shopping and buy stuffs then go home. He was internally cheering.
“Uhhh– Gojou Satoru?”

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