Chapter 84

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[ Cho Seungmin's POV ]

Testar was together in the living room, watching episode 6 of the reality show. It was now the haunted house portion.

[ Kim Raebin: Hyung, you're not- AHHH! ]

An actor had popped out of a box we were walking past.

[ Cho Seungmin: ...Oh, she has the doll we need to picture. ]

The members around me bursted out in laughter while the episode continued to show me taking out a company phone and taking a snapshot of the item.

"Seriously," Keun Sejin hyung sighed, wiping away a fake tear, "you're like an iron wall. Does nothing fluster you?"

I could only keep quiet because there was something that flustered me now. My fingers traced the rim of the warm cup in my hands.

"I shouldn't have done what the photographer said. I don't know what to do anymore."

Making eye contact with Moondae hyung now seemed like an impossible feat.

"I've never felt this before."

It was different from feeling nervous in a life-threatening situation. Even when my Mother threw me in Jeju Island by myself, even when I was hit by a bat in the darkness, even when there was a sniper pointing in my direction, I had never felt this way before.

I wasn't sure if this uncomfortable feeling could be labeled as "love."

These thoughts continued to muddle my mind as the episode continued to play. 

"Moondae!" Keun Sejin hyung shouted, snapping me out my thoughts, "I thought you really fainted!"

The episode had moved on from my team to Moondae hyung's team.

"Your soul left your body!" Cha Eugene added loudly.

Moondae hyung muttered, "It wasn't like that."

"Is that so?" the taller hyung smirked. "Then tell me one thing you said when we were being chased." When there was no answer, he continued, "You don't remember right? It's because you fainted!"

"Wait, look now!" Eugene shouted, hitting my shoulder. "It's coming out now!"

Not knowing what he meant, I looked at the screen and saw an employee running down the hallway. There were screams, accompanied by a caption. At the living room, Cha Eugene laughed at himself shouting in the TV.

[ ※The volume is adjusted. ]

Then, a collection of Keun Sejin's activity was broadcast.

[ Doing everything while being scared...Keunse, who takes care of his team members ]

"Wow, Keun Sejin shortened the escape time?" hyung boasted. "As expected, he was taking care of Moondae!"

I wasn't sure how Moondae hyung reacted because I couldn't look in his direction.

'Invitation to the Haunted House' ended with the backstory of the haunted house. The photos we took were combined and explained roughly about a human sacrifice.

"Ah, that's why there was an altar."

"That's kind of sad..."

I handed Eugene a snack before he could get gloomier.

The episode ended in a lighter mood by showcasing how much we ate during the BBQ dinner.

The sky was pitch black by the time we were finished watching and talking about the second last episode. 

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