Chapter 43

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[ Cho Seungmin's POV ]

"Oh my god," Raebin sighed, slumping on top the table.

I watched the screen where the MC was talking.

[ Now, let's reveal the sales ranking! ]

The rankings with red, negative marks neatly lined up on the grey screen.

Everyone was quiet.

1st place was Choi Wongil. 

I nodded my head. I didn't ask B for the results because it was boring to know everything beforehand. Seeing Wongil's negative stocks rank 1st now was satisfying.

But 2nd place was Ahyun hyung.

The last selling period coincided with the time when hate comments toward hyung were at their peak, so it made sense. I knew it would turn over with sympathy and admiration after our performance was shown.

Then was me, Raebin and Sejin hyung. That also made sense because of the bullying scandals, and I asked Gaeul to sell some of my stocks with my own money too.

Cha Eugene was 7th, Moondae hyung was 8th, and Chungwoo hyung was 9th.

Sejin hyung was the first to say something.

"Well, when the team match airs, it's going to flip over, right?"

"I don't think overturning them will be easy," Raebin disagreed.

Sejin hyung's expression stiffened as Raebin continued, "We've completed the team match well, so there won't be a significant decline in votes."


"...Hey, um Raebin, you know it's the negative votes, right?" Sejin hyung asked cautiously.

As if Raebin realized the misunderstanding, his eyes widened.

"Oh, negative votes tend to increase in proportion to the general votes, so this only means that our stocks purchased are also high compared to other contestants."

In an instant, everyone relaxed.

"That's true," Eugene grinned. "We did good!"


Moondae hyung was checking his phone. I looked over his shoulder out of habit.

- I hoped he would be in the puppy team because of his nickname, but now I'm glad

- Are they crazy? Only showing negative votes??

- Raebin went to a team with good vibes. I'm glad my kid is okay

- Keun Sejin looks like a good leader! He dealt well with Choi Wongil last time, and this team seems nice

Moondae hyung didn't look too happy.

I plopped my head on his shoulder.

"Ah, there Seungminnie goes again," Sejin hyung sneered playfully. "You treat Moondae so differently from us. How come I wasn't invited to sleep at your house?"

"Ah, I want to go!" Eugene shouted.

"Moondae hyung's house is unsafe with those stalkers," I replied.

"Stalkers?" Raebin repeated.

"Y-yeah! There were...four w-women in Moondae's house!" Ahyun hyung explained, his eyebrows crinkling.

"Woah, that's so scary," Eugene shuddered while Raebin nodded.

"B-but it's okay!" Ahyun hyung continued, "because S-seungmin scared them!"

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 ―𝐝.𝐨.𝐝Where stories live. Discover now