Chapter 19

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[ Park Moondae's POV ]

We were given a longer break again, and this time, I didn't fall sick.

I was actually pretty satisfied as the days went on--the public opinion of me as a puppy acted as a "hidden trait" of the supposedly soulless character the editors made me out for.

My PR video was ranked 3rd too, flipping the child actor's video to 4th. Seungmin's video was in 5th.

I wasn't surprised. The photos of him as a cat and his abs were buzzing all over the internet, and he sold all of his items. The only issue I had was that he mentioned my name, but I let it go. I have to admit, his stamina was so impressive I decided to forgive him.

I was motivated after seeing his video to build up my own stamina. Throughout the week, I exercised and ate balanced meals.

Anyway, after spending a full week by myself like this, Friday returned and I was surrounded by familiar people.

October 31 decided to watch episode 3 together at Ahyun's house. Keun Sejin ordered some chicken, and it arrived just as the show was about to start.

As expected, everyone was in high spirits to see our performance.

"It's a shame we couldn't get chicken feet, but please enjoy the chicken legs, at least," Keun Sejin grinned from beside me.

Kwon Heesung laughed hard.

"Moondae Moondae, is it good?" Ha Iljoon giggled.

I dealt with it, muttering, "Yeah."

I would much rather stay in this position than be down on the floor where Choi Wongil and Lee Sejin A were sitting. The gloominess those two radiated was a complete contrast of the vibe of those on the sofa.

Luckily, the shouts died down as the program began.

It began with explaining how we chose groups for the first team match. The editors made it out so our side of the Leti agency were always in high spirits. People were giving each other high-fives, patting others on the back, and grinning widely.

"We've got such great vibes," someone commented.

[ But unlike those on Team A, the contestants on Team B look quite glum. ]

The camera panned over to Team B members glancing in our direction warily.

Clips of their interviews flashed through.

[ Choi Sangjin: Well, I can't say I was feeling super excited... ]

[ Park Jungsup: Ah, is this even going to work? ]

[ Ryu Chungwoo: We should at least try. Oh dear. ]

I didn't think they would edit it this way, but it makes it look like Team B was doomed from the start.

No other team was edited in such a way like theirs.

Then the clips of the song selection played. Again, we were painted in a funny light with our interviews.

[ Ha Iljoon: Sorry, guys... ]

An exaggerated scene of us getting Marshmallow's song was displayed.

[ Kwon Heesung: So we're supposed to be...fairies? ]

[ Lee Sejin B: Well, the concept might be a little difficult... ]

[ Park Moondae: I was happy. ]

[ A fan's passion wins over everything! ]

Bursts of laughter came forth. The camera zoomed in on my face with pink letters floating around. They even edited cartoon blushes onto my cheeks as I gave a thumbs-up.

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