Chapter 86

181 34 5

[ Cho Seungmin's POV ]

Moondae hyung's fever was incredibly high for a normal person. Luckily, I was driving in my car and stopped by the apartment because I was going to leave Keun Sejin's gift in his room. B told me it was important to give gifts during birthdays.

He would find it on his own without me telling him I left it there. For now, Moondae hyung was more important.

Once in the apartment parking lot, I quickly got out of the car and opened the backseat to see Moondae hyung sleeping with his breathing heavy. I lifted him carefully and walked into the building, into the elevator.

As soon as I got inside my apartment, I went up the stairs and placed him on the bed. Then I went downstairs to the kitchen and opened a cabinet without any handles. In it were sterile syringe needles and bottles of liquids. I took a bottle of acetaminophen and a sterile needle package and went back up.

I was used to doing this to myself after missions, so I easily pulled out the correct dosage from the bottle and pushed the fluid into Moondae hyung's arm.

After a while, his complexion got better.

I put my hand against his forehead to gauge his temperature.

"It must be a combination of a summer flu and stress," I deduced, seeing as he wasn't throwing up or showing any other serious symptoms.

Suddenly, I got a call. It was Keun Sejin hyung.

"Hey, you weren't texting back so I got worried," he said when I picked up.

"I'm sorry. It got hectic, but Moondae hyung is alright now."

There was a relieved sigh from the other side of the line.

"Well that's good to hear. Oh, I saw your gift by the way. When did you get that?" he continued with a laugh.

It was a pair of headphones I remember him saying he wanted.

"Happy belated birthday." I shrugged.

"Aigoo you sweet dongsaeng. I'll pay you back...when is your birthday?"

"It passed," I murmured. "Back in September."

"Huh? Why didn't you say anything? I'll have to gift you double next year then~"

After a bit more talking, we ended the call.

I went downstairs to put away the acetaminophen and threw away the needle. Then I heated up some porridge the cook had left behind because I told her I would be back and poured some water into a cup, placing these in a tray and taking it upstairs.

Moondae hyung's eyes were open.

"Hyung, drink some water," I said as I sat on the bed. He slowly slid up and took the cup from me.

"...Did the doctor already leave?"

"Yes, he just said you need to eat food and take some medicine."

He stared out the wall window as I took the cup from him.

"Do you feel better?" I continued.

His hair slipped forward as he nodded his head, and I smiled.

"That's good. Here, if you can eat, I heated up some porridge."

Once I handed him the tray, I could feel my phone buzz on the bed. Hearing Moondae hyung's phone buzz as well, I knew it was the group chat.

Cha Eugene: Be healthy hyung! (crying emoji)

Ryu Chungwoo: Call me if it gets too hard

Raebin: My grandfather gave me red ginseng. Should I bring it with me when I return to the dorm? (blurry photo of a bucket)

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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