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"Those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy." ~Psalm 126:5


O for Eden, my heart yearns
Before the world in two was torn
Taught deeply by this grief that burns
Upon this mystery I meditate & mourn

O how my heart aches as my soul wonders
Hoping to grasp all it ponders
"Why is there still death if the King of Life has come?
Has He truly redeemed what has been undone?"

To watch His masterpiece soiled & stained
And stand idly by, I cannot remain
Yet powerless I am to stop sin's anointing ink
And thus in dismay, I cannot but weep

One does no dishonor to the King of Life
When he hates those opposed to Him
When he weeps o'er His art, riddled & rife
With the cursed stain of man's sin

Imitate the Lord of Life Who wept
Against what was contrary to Him; that is death
Whose separation could never harmonize with His holy song
Nor He, likewise, be satisfied with His goodness wronged

I will honor with my tears
The One who subjected me in hope
Who considers my frailty & fears
Who is not far from those who grope
And to the broken-hearted, draws near

Here I am wrestling with You
This frame of breath & clay
Who can overcome Him Who foreknew
Their Author, the Ancient of Days?

Yet, I refuse to relent
To yield to apathy's rest
So I embrace the Divine foolishness
Of the God of the olive-press
Whose weakness is stronger than men's

Who else can heal & comfort
When His pruning & pressing are applied?
To whom else can one turn
But to Him Who alone is wise?

To You, the God of All-Comfort
To You, all flesh shall come
To worship the One who suffered
Who intimately knows us through His Son

O how we weep over this desolate waste!
Because of eternity internally set
Eden, we can taste!
Yet do we long for its former or its new place?
For which does our hearts ache & beat in haste?

Our understanding & strength is hewed
When tested, Your Word will stand proved
Your Spirit replaces what it removed
With the Rock of Ages, Faithful & True

God of Enduring Promise
Unmoved by Doubting Thomas
God Who Never Leaves
Compassionate on my perplexity

So in answer to the wisdom this world demands
This clay chooses foolishness by yielding to Your hand
Before Your buried promise, this vessel pours forth and weeps
And eagerly awaits on his Refuge
Though he has not seen
Yet still, he believes

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