Chapter 30: Jamie

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19 March 2022

Missy didn't know the power she held over us. Alex has never told anyone about his obsessive nature, yet he told her. I was a little jealous that Missy opened up to him about a part of her past. She was pretty secretive about her past, and from that story, I could understand why. Even though I wanted to know everything about her, I would never push her to talk about anything she didn't want to share. After all, we were harboring our secrets, but I knew it was only a matter of time before she found out. It was impossible to hide such a huge part of our lives from her forever. I was nervous about how she would react when she found out. It was a ticking time bomb, and all I could do it wait for it to go off.

"Jamie baby," Her soft voice sang as she put her hand in mine. "What are you thinking of?" She asked as we walked through the quiet street. Gabe and Alex were a few steps ahead of us. Missy wanted to walk to the diner down the street from the club "like a normal person" as she so eloquently put it. If that's what my baby wanted, then that's what she would get. Alex made a few calls so that there wouldn't be swarms of cameras around and let's face it, if she was with the three of us she didn't need her usual flock of bodyguards either.

"I'm thinking if you keep calling me that  I'm going to have to put my dick in you," I joked, intertwining our fingers before bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing it softly.

"Very funny." She blushed, rolling her eyes at me.

"Little brat." I slapped her ass before taking her hand in mine again. She liked being spanked that much was evident. "What would you have done if Alex was engaged to someone else?" I asked as we walked.

"I don't know," She said, looking down. "I guess..." she started but stopped as someone gripped the back of her arm. My instinct kicked in as I saw the figure in my peripheral vision. Within seconds, I had the man backed against a wall with a knife to his throat. My preferred weapon of choice was a knife. They were easy to hide, and the element of surprise was always good to have.

Gabe and Alex stood slightly behind me, both their guns raised and aiming at the man.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I questioned with my voice deadly cold. Any emotion I'd felt minutes ago talking to Missy was now locked under the need to protect her.

"I...I...I..." the man stuttered fear evident in his blue eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Jamie stop," Missy said pushing between Alex and Gabe to stand next to me. "That's my dad," She said putting her hand on my back.

I looked at her surprised but her face didn't hold any emotion as she looked at the man I was threatening, I looked back at Missy's dad, she looked like him but it was very subtle. I pulled my knife away from his throat, tucking it back into my pants pocket while Alex and Gabe lowered their guns. Missy looked at each of us with a question in her bright blue eyes. A question we wouldn't be able to give her an answer to.

"What do you want?" Missy asked looking at him, she might not have shown any emotion on her face but her body was tense.

"I just wanted to talk to you, I've been trying for weeks now but you're not an easy person to get to kiddo" he breathed a sigh of relief as he fixed himself.

"So you thought late at night on a quiet street was the best course of action?" Alex raised a brow.

Missy's dad took a minute to look at the four of us as I placed my hand on the small of her back. I didn't miss the way she leaned into my touch and relaxed slightly.

"I have nothing to say to you," She said her voice also held no emotion but I could only imagine how hard this was for her. If my mom had just shown up one night I don't know how I would have handled it.

"I know you must be mad at me but please hear me out. I just want to explain" he pleaded, he abandoned her, what did he have to explain? I kind of wanted to drive my knife through his heart. 

With a sigh Missy nodded, I wanted to ask her if she was okay as we walked the short way to the diner but she had a distant look in her blue eyes as if she was a million miles away and I knew she wasn't okay.

When we got to the diner, Alex stopped her before she followed her dad in.

"Do you want to do this alone peach?" He asked taking her hand in his.

"No, please don't leave me" her blue eyes pleading with us not to leave, she needed us, it was the first time I'd seen that look in her eyes the look that said she'd fall apart into nothing if we weren't there to keep her safe.

"Never" Gabriel assured her before placing a kiss on her temple.

We followed her inside where a waitress led us to a booth, I sat down with Missy next to me on my left and Gabe on my right, Alex was next to Missy and her dad was on the opposite side of the booth. He still looked kind of scared but he looked more nervous from what he was about to say. He had the same Southern accent as she did but his was more prominent. He looked to be in his early fifties, he had dark brown hair but blue eyes just a shade darker than Missy's. 

"I didn't mean to leave you" he started as we all looked at him "I just wanted to leave your mother. I didn't want to leave you too kiddo, you need to believe me"

"You couldn't pick up a phone and call?" She asked

"I tried, your mother never let me speak to you and then she changed the number." He looked down "I tried to come see you at school but your mom told them I was not allowed to, so they escorted me off. I tried to see you at home but they wouldn't let me in through the main gates. I wrote to you for months and years but my letters were sent back." He sighed "I wrote you letters until you were sixteen but then you were on tour most of the time and I didn't have an address. I tried to come see you here in New York but it was hard to get to you."

"Well here I am," She said softly but her voice sounded like it was close to tears. I took her hand under the table letting her know it was okay.

"I know you must hate me for leaving but I couldn't do it anymore. Your mother is a terrible human being, I wanted to get away and I wanted to get you away too but I couldn't. I couldn't get to you and I'm so so sorry" he had tears in his blue eyes. So far I couldn't pick up that he was lying about anything.

"Why should I believe you?" She asked

"I knew you would say that. So I brought these" He reached into his coat pocket, and my hand automatically rested on the knife in my pocket only relaxing once he pulled out a stack of letters tied together with a ribbon. Missy's eyes widened slightly looking at the letters that he had put down on the table.

"I need to go to the bathroom," She said turning towards Alex, he nodded getting up from the booth, and letting her pass before sitting back down.

I'll be honest this was not what I had imagined meeting my girlfriend's dad would be like. Awkward would be the best way to describe the situation as he sat looking at the three of us.

"So are all three of you dating my daughter?" He asked after clearing his throat.

"Yes," I answered. I didn't find a need to have a conversation with this man, he hurt the most important person in my life, if it were up to me he would be dead for just that but I know that would hurt Missy more.

"I'm Gabe, this is Jamie and Alex," Gabe said introducing us.

"I'm Ray Carter" He half smiled.

The silence was almost deafening, it felt like an eternity before Ray opened his mouth to speak again. "Is she happy?"

"We do our best to make her happy," Alex said after a moment of silence.

"I never wanted to hurt her, do you think she will forgive me?"

"Missy is a smart girl, she'll figure out if you deserve her forgiveness or not, and if it's the latter then you'll need to respect that and leave her be," Gabe answered

Ray didn't say much after that and soon Missy returned

"I never wanted your apology and I never wanted you to come back into my life, I survived just fine without you. I don't know if I believe your story but I will keep it in consideration" She said before taking the letters off the table "I'd like to go home now please" She looked at Alex who nodded.

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