Chapter 4: Jamie

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01 January 2022.

I stopped running, taking my phone out of my pocket while I caught my breath. Normally I'd have Metallica or Iron Maiden playing at high volumes through my earphones but no, this morning I was listening to Missy Carter, Missy fucking Carter who had been on my mind for most of the night. I used to give Gabe so much shit for listening to her. Now, here I was listening to her music on repeat on my morning run. At least I wasn't buying pink alarm clocks like Alex was. What the fuck he planned on doing with all the merchandise he bought last night I have no idea.

Part of me wished I'd listened to Gabe when he told us that her music isn't just bops. Another part of me wished I'd gone to one of her shows sooner. I didn't expect my reaction to her. It was as if listening to her sing opened up a sliver of something inside of me, I felt when she sang. For the first time in years, I've felt something other than numbness. It was like she was singing her songs just for me. She had no idea the effect she had on me, I both loved and hated that she was able to elicit this type of response.

I pressed play on another of her songs before turning to start running again when something or rather someone ran straight into me and a waft of rose invaded my nose. The same scent I smelt last night when she was right next to me.

"I'm so sorry," that voice with the slightest southern draw said as I steadied her before she fell on her ass. I couldn't help but notice the warmth that spread through me as I held her waist.

Missy's bright blue eyes looked up at me and a smile came to her face, I liked that a little more than I should "Jamie?" She said my name and fuck me it was the best-sounding thing I'd ever heard. "I'm sorry I didn't see you"

"That's alright sweetheart, I'm rather glad you bumped into me," I said with a smile of my own.

Now I'm smiling, so much for big bad mafia man

"Are you listening to my song?" She asked hearing the music through my earphones.

"No" I lied quickly pressing pause on my phone as she smiled at me. She may have been smiling at me but she didn't look happy, she looked tired, like she was fighting her demons at every second. I knew this look well, I recognized it in myself many times before.

"That's a sad song" She commented on the song I was listening to.

"I like it." I shrugged, there was no use denying it. "Do you wanna go somewhere with me?"

"Sure why not." She smiled

"Try and keep up sweetheart" I smirked as I began to jog the way to the forest that was embedded deep within the park. Not a lot of people knew about it. I liked to go there to clear my mind. I thought Missy might appreciate it.

To my surprise, she kept up quite well, actually scratch that. She's out there performing every night. Of course, she has the stamina. This girl was fucking with my brain. We walked the rest of the pathway until we reached the body of water surrounded by large trees.

"Oh wow," She said softly and only slightly breathless. "How did you even find this place?" She asked

"Completely by accident when I was running one morning," I informed her, with it being winter I was surprised the water hadn't frozen over.

I watched as Missy sat down and took a seat next to her. "You have plans with your family later today?" I asked out of interest. Another thing that was new to me, I hadn't taken an interest in another person's life in well ever.

"No, my mom's back in Baton Rouge, so there's no family for me to see today," She said quietly and I wondered if that's what had made her sad. "What about you?" She asked looking at me with those bright blue eyes.

"My dad doesn't believe in celebrating the holidays, so no," I shook my head. My dad didn't believe in a lot of things. Prick.

"Sounds like we're equally lonely then," She said, looking out at the water.

"We could be lonely together if you'd like?" I smiled

"Whatever would we do with our time, Mr Valentino?" She asked with a cocky little smirk

"I don't know, Miss Carter, perhaps you could sing me a song." I smiled, laying back on the grass

"I usually get paid a fair amount to sing songs, Mr Valentino, I'm afraid you can't afford me." She smiled as she joined me, lying down next to me.

"If you're so sure, then tell me something about yourself that nobody else in the whole world knows" I turned my head to look at her, she gave it a thought before turning back to look at me.

"Promise you won't laugh?" She raised her brow in question.

"I would never" I assured her

"Okay, I've never had a pretzel" She admitted.

"You're joking?" I asked turning to face her in shock

"Nope" She shook her head letting out a little giggle at my expression

"You live in New York, how the fuck have you never had a pretzel?"

"I don't know" She laughed and honestly her laugh was the best thing I ever heard.

"Not even at a baseball game?" I asked still in shock

"I've never been to a baseball game" She shrugged

"Jesus Christ" I shook my head standing up as I held my hand out to her.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she took my hand

"To get you a pretzel 'cause that's fucking ridiculous" I shook my head as she laughed some more. I could listen to her laugh every day forever.

"It's your turn to tell me something now," She said as we walked back on the path from where we came.

"I don't believe we had that agreement, sweetheart," I said with a smirk

"That's not fair!" She said loudly standing still

"Life's not fair" I shrugged as I continued walking.

"You're a big cheat Jamie," She said as she ran to catch up with me playfully punching me on the arm, I grabbed her hands before they could fall to her and I swiftly twirled her around before folding my arms around her waist.

"I've never kissed a girl unless I was having sex with her," I admitted

"My my, aren't you the playboy?" She smirked at me

"Do you wanna find out?" I raised a brow.

"Don't tempt me, Mr. Valentino, I've not had good sex in years." She said with a seductive smile before wiggling her way out of my hold, leaving me surprised and completely turned on.

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