𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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Jisung was in the practice room when the Poison track video came out hours prior.

He was going over the ISTJ dance even though his choreographer has said a plentiful amount of times that Jisung has perfected it in his style. The male felt as though he might've been over doing something or maybe he was just doing less than what he thought.

He then dropped himself on the floor, his body was worn out and so was his mind. He was thinking too much of it. It was nearing midnight, exactly 11:50 on the dot. His stomach growled, causing him to feel embarrassed even though he was the only one there.

"I should..eat." he whispered to himself. Jisung decided it was enough for the day, hoping to find himself better than he was. He packed all his belongings in his book bag, making sure the practice room was empty before he left. Jisung glanced inside while his fingers hung on the light switch, flipping it down before closing the door and walking down the hall.

His members had already asked him where he'd been and reluctantly answered with a simple response. "Practice." They already knew how great of a dancer Jisung was so they didn't know why he was spending his free time practicing so much.

Jisung exited out of the building, quickly opening up his umbrella as it was pouring rain. "I should've left earlier.." he said, peeking out from under his cover to see that the weather was only going to get worse by the second. His stomach growled once more. Jisung was hungry. "So hungry.."

He lightly jogged towards the nearest open store, whether it was just a 7/11 or a cafe that so happened to be open this late at night. As he passed by an alleyway, he heard light sobs. It was raining, pouring even and Jisung was scared this might've been a plan to kidnap him so he kept walking on. Though he had a second voice telling him to turn back around.

And that's exactly what he did.

She felt the rain come to a stop, wondering if it finally moved away, but she finally opened her eyes and saw the droplets continuing to fall towards the ground below her. "Are..uhm..you okay?" he asked her, his voice muffled from his mask. She glanced around, finding a male holding his umbrella out of her while the rain fell on him.

Andi opened her eyes in shock, quickly moving the umbrella over his head. "I'm fine..!" she cleared her throat. She was looking at him, but she couldn't completely see his face. It was too dark in the alley to see anyways. Jisung noticed her apron, finding it as his chance to finally eat.

"Do you..uh work at that café right..there?" he stood a bit out, pointing towards the small restaurant just a block away. "Uhm..yes. I just closed—" Andi began to say. "Oh you did.." Jisung muttered in disappointment. She heard the soft sigh he let out as well as his hungry stomach.

"Don't worry, i'll make something for you. Come on." Andi flashed him a smile to which he couldn't see. She stepped out towards the sidewalk, turning on her heel and facing the male. Jisung saw her face, recognizing her as the same girl who took his order days prior this current meeting.

But her appearance was completely different than the one he saw before. Her hair was completely drenched, dripping onto her shoes while her mascara creased against her eyelids. Andi knew she looked like a mess, she was crying behind a building while it was raining. She knew and his reaction to her didn't make it better.

Jisung stepped out, holding the umbrella over her head and stopping the rain from hitting her any longer. Andi couldn't tell how he looked like at all. She wanted to make eye contact with him but she couldn't find where his gaze was. "Your clothes.." she mumbled, eyeing him up and down.

𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗆𝖾 • 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘫𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now