Volt 39

417 13 22

Warnings: A lot of violence because final exams. Mini trauma dump in the start. This is turning into Ass Might central I think
Word count: 4146

Italics - Tsukare signing
Underlined italics - Family member/friend signing
'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Underlined - Written
Drowzee is Aizawa's contact

I watched more of the matches, so far, Kirishima, Sato, Denki and Mina have failed. Right now, I was rushing to the teachers lounge to check in on Pops. Koda summoned bugs with his quirk to attack Pops and I could feel my skin crawling just watching. Unpleasant thoughts of the foster center circling in my brain.

Hitoshi was right by my side as we made haste to get to the room, upon opening we found Pops curled into Dads chest shaking.

I didn't know Pops had a fear of bugs.

Not just a fear, a phobia. I have it too.


Kasumi, back at the center, was kinda really fucked. She would put bugs on our necks and down our shirts and if we shook them off or smacked them, then she would beat us. It would always make me scream so she would put the muzzle on me, probably did the same to Pops. It was worse for the kids who were afraid of bugs to begin with, then she would purposefully do it. For me it was once a week, probably the same for Pops too.


Toshi signed at my mini trauma dump explanation. Dad watched us closely as we approached, clearly not wanting to overwhelm Pops anymore.

"Hey Pops?" He sniffled and turned a bit. "Can I give you a hug too?" He nodded with a sad smile. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, knowing the pressure always helped me. "It's okay." My voice came out muffled. "She can't do it anymore, she's in jail now." He hugged me a little tighter, Hitoshi joined in, and we had a family hug going on.

"I love you all, so, so much." Pops said quietly to us. We all returned the sentiment, glad that he calmed down even a little bit.

"Zashi? Are you okay? I don't think I've ever really seen you react like that." Auntie Nem stated as she walked over.

"Foster stuff." I mumbled to her, not knowing how much my honorary uncles were allowed to know. She hummed and nodded, placating him further with a few comforting back rubs.

We stayed in the teachers lounge until it was Hitoshi and Sero against Auntie Nem. Unfortunately, she got the drop on the two and put Sero to sleep. I watched with my parents as Hitoshi managed to evade her until he was out of her sights, but unfortunately, she was guarding the exit.

Hitoshi waited in silence for twenty minutes, five minutes remaining on the clock. I bounced my leg nervously, hoping that his plan would work.

"The exam has ended, Shinsou Hitoshi and Sero Hanta have ran out of time resulting in failure. Please exit the battle ground to discuss results." Hitoshi used his voice modifier to sound like Principal Nedzu.

"Interesting." And just like that, Auntie Nem was under his control.

Hitoshi ran over whilst holding his breath and placed the cuffs on her before backing out of the cloud of purple pink fumes. He breathed heavily a few times before the announcement came through that they won.

"Good luck." Pops told me as I left to meet Midoriya and Bakugou at the arena entrance.

The blond scoffed at the sight of us, ready to try and win this on his own. A horn blared and the door opened.

Silent Sparks (Male!OC x Kaminari Denki)Where stories live. Discover now